
What is it about Europeans and Americans forgetting all the lessons of WWII and wanting to let fascist dictators in league with corporate billionaires enslave the working people?
Mainstream media consolidation is as much of an issue in France as it is in other western countries. They’re benefiting off of the horse race and attempting to be “fair” to both sides, but it’s just enabling the worst elements to game the system. Social media is making it worse.
And, the latter is being heavily manipulated by groups aligned with autocratic countries like Russia/China who have vested interests in stoking division in “western” countries and pull them out of the global sphere and turn inwards and more nationalistic.
Whenever you see fears stoked by border policy, immigration, housing unavailability (due to immigration) it is largely false narratives being pushed in order to foster the idea of an “out group”, similar to how the trans community is being treated, which is how this bullshit spreads.