
I am part of the "gifted kid to late-diagnosed, burnt out autistic adult" pipeline (and yes, I'm brain foggy)
were you really a gifted kid or were you just assigning unhealthy value to your intelligence as a child and now you’re both burnt out and stupid
I seem to cover all three of these but mainly adhd!
Idk where to start with an alt for this but hopefully it’s readable
There is for sure a LOT of overlap in the ND spectrum!
This is the image I always pull out for people that say ‘oh well we’re all a bit autistic/ADHD’ No, no we’re not! You may be sensitive or gifted You may be all three (I seem to be) I have some clear autism traits around needing routine or I meltdown. SPD. Not understanding intentions etc
Personally I believe that sensitive/gifted labels were autism all along, but therapy had to catch up to ND not being bad/taboo and that it looks different in women, who often mask well + get these types of labels. Also, ppl who think "we're all a little ND" *might* want to look into assessment 👀
Ok. Just went though it and I cover the whole gamut basically. lol
I didn’t realise it was quite to this extent tbh. I’m quite surprised
Absolutely. I was told I was sensitive and empathic my whole life. ND hadn’t occurred til a few years ago and I was like ohhhh yeah that’s me alright. lol I think being a gay man I masked in a way some women do, ie very well. Then got hit with a slew of chronic illnesses by my 40s