
Jason Furman, 2022 (singled out only because he was admirably explicit): if unemployment stays low, inflation “will still be about 4% at the end of 2025.”
funny that unemployment is low when looking at work force participation numbers was told not participating in the work force and unemployed are different if you know please make it make sense
Yes, work force participation and unemployment are different concepts. A basic way to think about it is that unemployment is the number of people who are in the work force participation number but do not have jobs.
when they say, "work force participation is 64% but unemployment is hovering right around 5% so things are good" I don't see it as an honest assessment, don't know why others do, which should surprise no one as our government is as dishonest as dishonest comes
Which do you see as problematic? Work force participation percent at 63% makes sense as baby boomers retire, and unemployment at 4% is historically pretty low.
retirees and disabled people are not part of the work force as retirees are retired and disabled people are disabled how are they part of the work force when they are not in the work force? keep getting forms of this ridiculous explanation that make no sense the numbers don't add up
Right, again, they are two different concepts. Work force participation is the number of people in the work force divided by the entire US population over 16. So people not in the work force are retired, stay at home parents, disabled, those in school.
They make up the 38% who are not participating in the work force. Then of the 62% who are participating in the work force, 4% are currently unemployed, leading to the 4% unemployment rate.