
AND that mental state often includes very real physiological elements, up to and including a full-on panic attack If you’ve ever genuinely been triggered by something, you know well that it’s not the same thing as being “upset”
2. "triggered" is NOT: being upset, being annoyed It's a mental state that is brought on by experiencing something that a person has associated with trauma they have experienced and is generally connected with PTSD.
That’s one reason why I vastly prefer the term “content warning”; it’s far more expansive and includes all kinds of things that may not be associated with trauma but which one would still like to know beforehand that they’ll get hit in the face with
Animal abuse/murder isn’t a trauma thing for me and it’s also not necessarily a deal-breaker but I REALLY like to know if it’s in something so I can make an informed decision about it, because it can absolutely kinda ruin my day (Never going to forgive The Collector for a specific scene)
(Also that movie is trash for a whole host of other reasons)
Thank you, now I know not to watch The Collector.