
This is exactly what I mean “Give me a Democratic Senate and House and I’ll do X” cool cool cool, any plan for the fact that a hundred million rightwing nihilists have file cabinets full of court challenges ready to go for all of it? No?
You're not crazy. If we used a mind control ray on Mike Johnson tomorrow, and got a "Roe is now law, lol" bill through congress, SCOTUS could still overrule it. They'd have to invent some reasoning for it, but Clarance and Sammy are up to the task. Ditto the VRA, ditto Chevron...
I’m just so fucking sick of feeling like none of these motherfuckers actually understand the war they’re in
And if they do, then FIND A WAY TO CONVEY THAT TO US, GUYS
Also, I want to be very clear that the little Anger Eruption I’m going through right now was in some respects triggered by the debate carnage but exists far beyond it and even beyond the election I remain unconvinced that last night actually changed anything meaningful there
What I’m screaming about is the fact that even in the event that Biden wins—which I think he still absolutely could—I have such paltry confidence in this party to do anything to keep the NEXT election from taking years off my fucking life Or the next And the next
We are all so tired of feeling like it’s taking everything we’ve got to keep emotionally treading water. I’m so fucking tired
I know it’s not realistic, I know I shouldn’t trust it for one second even if it happened, but I want so much for someone I actually kinda trust to say “It’s going to be okay. I’m on it. You can stop for a while.”
Which is why I profoundly get the way a certain message from a certain kind of authoritarian might be hugely appealing
Again: don’t trust it if someone says that. I wish so much that it wasn’t the world we live in, but don’t. It’s a massive red flag
Anyway I’m going to drag myself through some yoga and then drill holes in pretty rocks