E3G - Third Generation Environmentalism

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E3G - Third Generation Environmentalism


E3G is an independent climate change think tank with a global outlook, tackling the barriers and advancing the solutions to a safe climate.
📮 Our post-COP newsletter is out! COP28 seemed set up for outlandish contradictions. Its outcomes are questioning many long-held assumptions, myths and stereotypes about climate diplomacy. Alex Scott and Tom Evans draw 5️⃣ lessons on this ⤵️ email.e3g.org/t/r-8EA8CE77...
As we bid farewell to week 1️⃣ of #COP28, the stakes are higher than ever. A multitude of crucial matters still remain unresolved entering week 2️⃣. 📨 Today’s newsletter unpacks the flurry of announcements around energy and finance. Check it out here ⤵️ email.e3g.org/t/r-5D24AD26...
🆕 @e3g.bsky.social - Climate Policy Initiative report on Enhancing #MDB–NDB cooperation. 🤝 On-lending by multilateral development banks to national development banks could accelerate global #climate investment, by leveraging institutional advantages of both 👇 www.e3g.org/publications...
Enhancing MDB–NDB cooperationwww.e3g.org New analysis from E3G and CPI identifies how MDBs and NDBs can work together more effectively to achieve climate goals.
LIVE | Today, heads of state & government—with the world's future in their hands—gather at the World Climate Action Summit to announce their commitments to tackling the climate crisis. Keep abreast of daily news & analyses from our COP28 team 👇 www.e3g.org/news/e3g-cop...
E3G’s COP28 live trackerwww.e3g.org Welcome to E3G’s COP28 live tracker, providing the latest updates and analysis of the climate negotiations by our experts.
🆕 COAL FACTS | COP28 is an opportunity to fulfil the crucial task of phasing out fossil fuels, especially coal. Stay tuned as @e3g.bsky.social brings you daily facts about coal, unravelling the journey to a coal-free future 👇🧵
📢 Meet our team at COP28 ! We are sending a delegation of over 20 staff and associates to Dubai and hosting a wide range of events – so let’s get in touch and see you there. First off, E3Gers in geopolitics, diplomacy, & securities team 👇 🧶
#COP28 has the potential to become the most important climate summit since the ParisAgreemment was adopted. It won’t be an easy ride though, Alex Scott @e3g.bsky.social and I set out 5 key outcomes that can make it a success. The EU has a key role to play! climatechangenews.com/2023/11/27/h...
Here’s how the oil-rich UAE delivers a Cop28 ‘win’climatechangenews.com To get a Cop28 'win' the team must show leadership on fossil fuel phase-out, finance, climate plans and loss and damage
📦 Our 1st package of analyses on COP28 has arrived today! From what's at stake, how to follow & shape the diplomatic process, to how Germany plays the key role in climate agenda, and if COP28 can seal the fossil fuel phase-out deal, check it out ⤵️ email.e3g.org/t/r-3B2381AD...
Next Tue, joining Solutions for Our Climate, Ember, and Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis, E3G's Camilla Fenning will discuss a #3xRenewables revolution that can accelerate the phase-out of fossil fuels. Watch this space! 👀 Set a reminder here 👇 twitter.com/i/spaces/1yp...
🏭 Building new coal power plants comes with significantly higher socio-economic and environmental costs than clean energy. E3G explains why we need to keep the 'No New Coal' momentum going at the upcoming UN climate summit and beyond 👇👇 www.e3g.org/news/explain...
Explained: what does “No New Coal” mean?www.e3g.org This explainer outlines the value of No New Coal as an iconic and practical milestone towards limiting global carbon emissions and accelerating the coal-to-clean power sector transition.
🤝 Strengthening global cooperation is a critical path to facing the climate crisis. COP28 will bring the world together to focus minds on the climate crisis, strengthening collaboration at a time when we need it most. Explore our initial standpoints 👇 www.e3g.org/news/cop28-w...
COP28: What we need to seewww.e3g.org Story  Progress since the 2015 Paris Agreement has driven significant action across countries and sectors. But this has been incremental, and we are still heading the wrong way fast. The response at ...
Multilateral development banks can play a stronger role in driving countries' climate action. One way is through systematic engagement with country platform approaches such as Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs). We highlight the role of the World Bank 👇 www.e3g.org/publications...
Next generation country platformswww.e3g.org The World Bank Group (WBG) is undertaking an extensive reform process to more effectively address climate change and other global challenges. One way it can play a stronger role in driving climate act...
The 2023 Energy Charter Conference takes place today. Member countries may fail to progress the Energy Charter Treaty #ECT reform at the summit. We predict that this could lead to a new wave of withdrawal from the treaty: www.e3g.org/news/energy-...
Phasing out coal in OECD and EU countries is essential if we are to limit warming to 1.5C. In the run up to COP28, our tracker shows which countries are on track, and where more needs to be done. ⤵️ www.e3g.org/news/e3g-coa...
E3G Coal Transition Progress Tracker: OECD & EU Countrieswww.e3g.org The E3G OECD & EU Coal Transition Progress Tracker; an accessible analysis of the country-by-country status of the global coal landscape.
Proud of our team, Call me Mabey! 3rd! @e3g.bsky.social #CBquiz
Next week, the UK government will announce its tax and spending plans for the year ahead via its Autumn Statement. Given the soaring energy costs, E3G calls for focusing efforts on supporting vulnerable households, lowering bills and boosting energy security 👇 www.e3g.org/publications...
📢 The #ProductionGap Report 2023 has been released today ‼️ Together w/ Stockholm Environment Institute, @climateanalytics.bsky.social, IISD, and UNEP, we examine how far governments' #FossilFuel plans deviate from climate targets 👇 www.e3g.org/publications...
“Adaptation is a matter of survival in the face of increasingly severe and frequent climate impacts. For far too long, these complex and difficult tasks have been overlooked,” tells Tom Evans on the recent UN Environment Programme's 2023 #AdaptationGap Report 👇👇👇 www.theguardian.com/environment/...
Action to protect against climate crisis ‘woefully inadequate’, UN warnswww.theguardian.com International funding to shield people from heatwaves, floods and droughts only 5-10% of what is needed, report finds
New @e3g.bsky.social report: Removing the heat pump tax Did you know, nearly a quarter of heat pump energy bills are taxes, whereas for gas heating, it's only 8%? The UK has disproportionately high electricity prices, in part due to the way levies are loaded on bills: www.e3g.org/wp-content/u...
Good piece on the hidden costs of allowing hydrogen blending into gas networks. Costs unknown to gov inc potential upgrades to network pipes & gas meters. @e3g.bsky.social warns of potential bill increases for households & calls for a more strategic approach www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/10...
The net zero transition is crucial for our economy and our planet. Today, over 400 businesses and NGOs have written to UK PM Rishi Sunak to call for #CredibleClimateLeadership and express concern at plans to water down the UK's #NetZero policies. Read the letter here 👇 www.e3g.org/news/busines...
Business and civil society lay out “deep concerns” at UK PM’s plan to weaken net zero policieswww.e3g.org In an open letter published today, over 400 NGOs and businesses including UKSIF, Nestle, IKEA, Brunel, Aviva Investors and EON have written to the Prime Minister to lay their deep concerns about any w...
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