Jason "Jay" R. Patton

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Jason "Jay" R. Patton


i love paleoquakes, mud and sand, and dark chocolate, not always in the same order | CA Geol Survey Tsunami/Seismic Hazards | HSU/OSU grad | earthjay.com
#EarthquakeReport for M5.7 #Earthquake offshore #VancouverIsland #Canada Probably strike-slip (?) Maybe normal (extensional) (?) Sequence of earthquakes where these are common Learn more from 2018 report: earthjay.com?p=7888 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/...
Hard to believe it has been five years since the M6.4 Ridgecrest earthquake. Check out the Storymap the California Geological Survey put together about this earthquake. www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/earthqua...
The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequencewww.conservation.ca.gov Our perspective on the events of July 4-5, 2019
#EarthquakeReport for #OTD in 2019 the #Ridgecrest #Earthquake Sequence in southern #California M6.4 left-lateral strike-slip earthquake triggered M7.1 right-lateral ss eq generated liquefaction/landslides @CAGeoSurvey @USGS_Quakes responded read reports earthjay.com?p=8656
#EarthquakeReport for M7.2 #Sismo #Terremoto #Earthquake en #Peru megathrust subduction zone earthquake (?) #Tsunami observed at Arequipa tide gage near epicenter 40cm wave height 20cm amplitude Regional tectonics in 2021 report: earthjay.com?p=9916 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/...
#EarthquakeReport for M7.2 #Sismo #Terremoto #Earthquake en #Peru High shaking intensity Reverse (Compressional) earthquake mechanism Appears to be megathrust subduction zone earthquake Regional tectonics in 2021 report: earthjay.com?p=9916 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/...
#EarthquakeReport for M4.5 #Earthquake in the #Geysers region of northern #California right-lateral (?) strike-slip earthquake the Geysers is an active geothermal area intensity MMI 6 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/... regional tectonics in 2017 report: earthjay.com?p=6593
#EarthquakeReport for shallow M 4.2 #Earthquake offshore of northern #California #HumboldtCounty left-lateral (?) strike-slip (side-by-side) mechanism probably in Gorda plate earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/... learn more about regional tectonics: earthjay.com?p=10604
#EarthquakeReport for #Earthquake along the Tonga plate boundary reverse or thrust (compressional) mechanism intermediate depth event within subducted Pacific plate earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/... learn about regional tectonics in 2022 report: earthjay.com?p=10493
#EarthquakeReport for #OTD in 2019 M 8.0 #Sismo #Terremoto #Eartthquake in #Peru intermediate depth yet widely felt @USGS_Quakes models suggest chance for triggered landslides and induced liquefaction learn more: earthjay.com?p=8541
#EarthquakeReport for M4.9 #Sismo #Terremoto #Earthquake en #Mexico Normal (extension) earthquake mechanism Learn about the southern Pacific-North America plate boundary in 2018 report earthjay.com?p=6962 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/...
#EarthquakeReport #EruptionReport for #OTD in 2018 M6.9 #Earthquake in #Hawaii part of #Kïlauea #Volcano eruption event generated #Tsunami @USGS_Quakes models show chance of earthquake triggered #Landslides learn more earthjay.com?p=7350
#EarthquakeReport for #OTD in 2020 M6.5 #Earthquake offshore of #Crete reported shaking intensity MMI5 generated #Tsunami learn more earthjay.com?p=9493
#EarthquakeReport for #OTD in 2017 M6.2 & M6.3 #Earthquake couplet in #BritishColumbia right-lateral strike-slip (side by side motion, like the San Andreas fault) earthquake associated with the Denali/Chatham Strait fault system learn more earthjay.com?p=5345
#EarthquakeReport for #OTD in 1992 M7.2 #Earthquake in #HumboldtCounty #California I was there triggered 2 M6+ eqs generated tsunami, led to the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program landslides and liquefaction learn more: earthjay.com?p=5233 & earthquake.cascadiageo.org?page_id=130
#EarthquakeReport for #OTD in 2023 M7.2 #Earthquake along the Kermadec subduction zone (convergent plate boundary fault system) generated modest #Tsunami felt strongly on Raoul Island MMI 7 intensity! learn more earthjay.com?p=11021
#EarthquakeReport for #OTD in 2023 M7.1 #Gempa #Earthquake offshore of #Sumatra #Indonesia felt widely @usgs_earthquakes models show high chance for liquefaction and moderate chance for landslides learn more: earthjay.com?p=11040
#EarthquakeReport for M6.0 & M6.1 #Earthquake in #Taiwan 3rd and 4th largest aftershocks following 2 April '24 M 7.4 @USGS_Quakes model for M6.0 (onshore) suggests high chance for #Liquefaction original report here: earthjay.com?p=11904
#EarthquakeReport for M4.3 #Earthquake in southern #California Strike-slip earthquake mechanism Doesn't look like it's associated with a mapped fault Learn more from 2016 report earthjay.com?p=3758 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/...
#EarthquakeReport for #OTD in 1906 M7.8 #Earthquake in #California right-lateral strike-slip earthquake on the San Andreas fault generated modest #Tsunami in #SanFrancisco Bay learn more here: earthjay.com?p=8428
#EarthquakeReport for M4.8 #Earthquake on the east coast of the USA Oblique reverse (compressional) earthquake mechanism Felt widely Learn more abt the difference between east coast & west coast earthquakes here: earthjay.com?p=5970 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/...
#EarthquakeReport for the M7.4 #Earthquake in #Taiwan updated poster and tide gage plot also intensity and ground failure interpretive figures learn more here: earthjay.com?p=11904
⚒️🧪 A deadly M7.4 earthquake struck Taiwan yesterday - the largest event in over 20 years. We take a deeper look at the science behind Taiwan's tectonics and seismicity in our latest post. earthquakeinsights.substack.com/p/deadly-m74...
Deadly M7.4 earthquake strikes Taiwanearthquakeinsights.substack.com Largest event in the country in over 20 years
#EarthquakeReport for M 7.4 #Earthquake in #Taiwan reverse mechanism possibly slip on an east dipping fault (?) strong ground shaking felt widely landslides & liquefaction modest local #Tsunami updated poster & report here: earthjay.com?p=11904
#EarthquakeReport for M7.4 & M6.5 #Earthquake in #Taiwan sadly people are injured and worse Reverse (Compressional) mechanism Strong ground shaking Interpretive Poster Learn about regional tectonics from 2022 report: earthjay.com?p=10450 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/...
#EarthquakeReport for M7.4 #Earthquake in #Taiwan small sized #Tsunami recorded at Ishigakajima to the east of Taiwan Learn about regional tectonics from 2022 report: earthjay.com?p=10450 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/...
#EarthquakeReport for M7.4 & M6.5 #Earthquake in #Taiwan Major aftershock is shallower and maybe more damaging (?) based on @USGS_Quakes PAGER alert Learn about regional tectonics from 2022 report: earthjay.com?p=10450 7.4 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/... 6.5 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/...
#EarthquakeReport for M7.4 #Earthquake in #Taiwan Reverse (Compressional) mechanism Strong ground shaking Learn about regional tectonics from 2022 report: earthjay.com?p=10450 earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/...
#EarthquakeReport for #OTD in 2017 M 6.6 #Earthquake offshore of #Kamchatka reverse (compressional) earthquake mechanism north of Pacific plate slab (?) so interesting earthquake in complicated tectonic region learn more: earthjay.com?p=5200
#EarthquakeReport for #OTD in 2017 M5.7 #Sismo #Terremoto #Earthquake in the #GulfOfCalifornia #MarDeCortés offshore of #Mexico right-lateral strike-slip (moving side-by-side) earthquake overlapping fracture zones & spreading ridges learn more about the earthjay.com?p=5210