
Want to join my upcoming Naturalists feed? 'Like' this post. Please share! The more people this invitation reaches, the better.
So it's going to be the same kinds of content, but with way more contributors, but you don't have many contributors interested yet, possibly because it's supposed to be the same content as the existing feed? I'm not sure I get it.
I'd say that over 80 contributers already is a decent start. I have tens of thousands of people to invite. Where are you getting this? Why does it matter if the content is similar?
Where am I getting what? I'm not saying don't do the thing, it's just confusing to have two feeds with the same name and the same content unless there's some differentiating factor
Can you help us understand the intended difference between this and the feed with the multi-leaf plant emoji?
Both feeds can coexist. :) I intend to have *way* more contributors. Thousands. I'll create a pinned post with a link to Ethan's feed and encourage people to join. Synergy, not competition. Members will be able to post to both feeds simultaneously.