
If Biden steps down, it won't be because of the Times or his critics in the party or left Twitter or even the polls. It will be because he has lost the confidence of the top echelons of the Democratic Party. Everything else is decoration.
I don’t trust that the top leaders of the party aren’t relying on vibes created by Times’ editorials - they don’t seem to have good instincts and no one seems in charge of anything
All the evidence we have suggests that they were powerfully rattled on debate night, and that nothing has calmed them down since.
I find it odd that I keep seeing people calling it one bad debate. If it was that, no one would be freaking out. People are freaking out because he was frail, confused, and had garbled responses. The fear is that the SOTU was the exception, not the debate.
It’s odd because Trump makes no sense either so much of the time (not even talking about the substance)
That's because MAGA is a cult. Everyone not in MAGA already knows that about Trump. If you're asking why the media doesn't call it out? Because they're bad at their jobs.
Yes that’s my main issue actually - the media is failing and part of that failure is losing its mind about Biden
Biden - who I don’t like and never supported and has perhaps completely whiffed on saving democracy - but now I’m one of his biggest cheerleaders bc I think this particular freak out is so misplaced
I'm probably the opposite. I didn't want Biden (I voted for Bernie in the primary), but think he's been the best president in my lifetime but now I think he has to step away from running. And I was one who thought the "age debate" was stupid. But that was disastrous and irrecoverable.
I would be interested in seeing if there are ideological or demographic or voting history trends that correlate to where someone stands on removing Biden
I don't know. I've seen both Lefty Majority Report and more establishment Pod Save talking about it. Doesn't seem ideological.