dale | dowl | day-ull

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dale | dowl | day-ull


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Signed up for a code mentoring programme at work. My mentee is learning to code, getting her real estate license and does interior design on the side. I, uh, doom scroll and watch TV?
I yearn for a simpler time, when millennials would visit a city and post “, I am in you.” We didn’t even make a formal agreement or anything.
Bought something like 60 new albums/EPs so far this year (plus backfilling gaps). My playlist that is mostly new music is up to 90 songs (Apple and Spotify versions on my link in bio). So much great music out this year.
At the peak of Choice Mountain: songs of 2024tidal.com Listen to At the peak of Choice Mountain: songs of 2024 on TIDAL
Sympathy is a knife, world is a vampire.
It feels like we've all forgotten the true meaning of Prime Day
“Doctor, I don’t look enough like a sex offender. Can you give me the plasticky sheen of Johnny Cab and the uncanny valley vibe of Teddy Perkins?” — ‘Venmo’ Matt Gaetz
My girlfriend is watching the new Big Brother. This season’s gimmick is an “AI” that is “controlling the game.” The graphics are very The Sims 1.0, and that’s the best part.
If you’re a streaming service I pay for but rarely use, a good idea is to alert me to a price increase so I can unsubscribe.
My dog passed around a year and a half or so ago. Today she visited me and played with my new puppies in a dream. That was a good one.
If you've seen Longlegs and want more films in the same wheelhouse, I watched Cure this weekend - a Japanese film wherein a series of murder-suicides are linked to a roaming amnesiac. Very good.
False flag. Crisis actors. Too soon to bring politics into it. Choose your own adventure for your next political argument!
none of the twitter alternatives have a solution for me being older now
I enjoyed Longlegs very much; buckets of atmosphere, did not feel its runtime, some genuine creeps, and fantastic leads. Go in as blind as you can, I liked things being teased out.
Is it too late for Blumhouse to name their MEGAN sequel MEGAIN?
The UK took six weeks to announce and run an election, tally the votes, and swear the new guy in. Surely we can spend that finding a credible replacement for at least one of the two doddering old cunts up for President?
Longlegs this, Longlegs that... some of y'all beLONG in church, bending your LEGS to pray for forgiveness.
I put some money into an investment account that simply follows Nancy Pelosi's stock trades. It's up 29% so far this year in case you wonder why she won't retire from office - too much juicy insider knowledge!
Is there a German compound word for social media absolutely pestering you to buy a product and then when you finally relent, you can't figure out how to find it?
"Kamala Harris top choice to replace Biden." Top choice for WHOM?
It's fun that the country I was born in and the country I live in are both holding elections this year, and there isn't a competent candidate in sight in either.
I wish there was a middle ground for music journalism between "MTV deletes all of its old content because it can't monetise it" and "Rolling Stone paywalls shit you can read on an artist's social media profile for free."
Watching Presumed Innocent on Apple TV+. The presence of the superlative Noma Dumezweni in the cast makes up for the use of Verdana in the titles and how punchable Peter Sarsgaard’s character is.
I use my grill every opportunity I get, bought a ton of power tools, and put up a wall storage system in my office. Felt very dad.
Welcome to the Annual Most Dad* Thing You Did In The Last Year Thread. Per tradition, I will lead off: I bought a mitre saw almost entirely because it was on sale, and now I will find the thinnest excuse to incorporate it into any home project. *You need not have kids or identify as male to Dad.
Saw Wilco last night and I had forgotten how it feels to be one of the younger dudes in a crowd. Dad central, khaki shorts and regret as far as the naked eye could see.