
Eisenhower had taxes at 90%. Republicans today are thorough stupid grift victims who don't know shit about anything and just lie to hide that fact
Why do you only single out one half of the problem, and not call out democrats? Joe Biden saw trumps corporate tax cuts, and thought cementing half of them would be a good thing
Because Republicans are vastly worse. Democrats are a disingenuous joke though but Republicans are just bluntly hate filled and obsessed with control. Trash parties the both of em
Why do you only single out half of the problem, not call out Republicans? Trump made them and based his entire political career off the worst parts of Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon.
I indict them by indicting Biden policy? I guess transitive logic eludes you?
Or, and this is just a possible idea, maybe we should blame those actually responsible for atrocities instead of some scapegoat?
Did the Dems introduce Reaganomics, lowered safety levels on industries, charged up the deficit and inflation for the Dems themselves to then fix? Sounds like the leak is coming from the other side.
How did he manage to cement them without Congressional Approval? Which ones can you show he had ability to change? I like your idea is call out the Dems for what was DIRECTLY the actions of the GOP. If Trump didn't do it, Biden wouldn't be affected. It's Afghanistan all over again!!!
Thanks, Congress is complicit as well! I like that you’re defending the ratchet effect
I like how it doesn't have a date on it
Unrelated entirely, my point is that leaving Afghanistan was Trump's idea and put us in a situation where we had to or the Afghan Army that Trump LET seize control with the Taliban would've sparked more drawn-out war with less soldiers. How is that on Biden?
The Congress he doesn't control, run by the GOP? Once again you lead back to the GOP being the main source of dole involved! How's the GOP Budget coming along or is that also Biden's fault? You didn't answer any of the questions as to how it's "his fault," are you ONLY looking at binary votes???
The guy literally campaigned on it lmao The buck stops anywhere but here apparently
We built a great country on that tax rate. Let's get back to it.
Oh yeah... Back when lawmakers had some sorta moral agenda to use taxes to build infrastructure and affordable housing rather than let it slowly fall apart and crumble.