
I think it's cool that Electron is so common for multi-platform development because it appears to absolutely suck shit on Windows.
It sucks everywhere. It’s a disaster.
eh, I disagree. It gives you the tools to suck, but VSCode proves pretty effectively that it doesn't have to (and there are significant extensibility advantages to VSCode using TypeScript as their main language). The root problem is that most people using Electron don't know how it actually works
It's worse on Windows because, IME, there are some assumptions baked pretty deep in Electron that you have to keep in mind when running there
I’m a software deontologist and I think that it enables nothing I want at the expense of much that I I hate.
And it’s the fruit of the poisoned web tree. ABOMINATION.
you will not make me React to this, it is outside of my purVue ...i don't have one for Svelte and honestly the name is pretty funny given where it's gone
Like, I use a Macintosh exclusively, and I choose to do so because I like using a Macintosh, and a big part of that is the affordances the platform offers, and the only argument for Electron garbage is that it runs on a different (and much worse) platform. No! No thanks! I'll do without!
My experience with VSCode and Atom on Mac have been smooth. Maybe resource intensive but nothing like Chrome or some others.
Even though it's possible to make something that's reasonably efficient, most developers are not billion dollar companies and will instead just push the resource hog out the door when it can stand on its own. Most people don't have the time, resources or competency to pull a VSC off.