Ed B

Ed B


Yet another story from the alleged minds of Melissa Shaner and me! This one is short and (we hope) amusing and is called "Escape Velocity". ───◆─── “Cosplay,” announced Hellebore, exasperated, as they sat down in front of the monitor. “And they’re doing it in character.”
Escape Velocitylookimadeahat15346719.wordpress.com “Cosplay,” announced Hellebore, exasperated, as they sat down in front of the monitor. “And they’re doing it in character.” “Ugh,” I agreed. “In the spaceship? I was hoping when we changed over from t...
A fourth story by Melissa Shaner and me—this one is a novelette, quite long and (we think) quite sad. Ask me if you would like content warnings of any kind.
Torches Pastlookimadeahat15346719.wordpress.com When one burns one's bridges, what a very nice fire it makes. -Dylan Thomas
Your New Hampshire Primary Trivia question: Only six candidates (so far) had already been President at the time of the New Hampshire Primary and then won the general election in November. Which one of those six had the worst showing?
Trivia question: Despite his incredible unpopularity, Donald Trump’s 51% is somehow _not_ the worst showing in the Iowa caucus by anyone who has ever been his Party’s nominee in a previous cycle. Who does hold that record?
For anyone who is here and not in another place, and might not know about it: Tonight at 8 (Eastern Standard) I will be live on the YouTube reading a Ghost Story for Christmas that I co-wrote with my marvelous Brain Trust partner, Melissa Shaner! www.youtube.com/live/M2LOkGo...
Ghost Story 2023www.youtube.com This year, for my seasonal Ghost Story, I will be reading a story co-written by Melissa Shaner and me.
This is just a personal pet peeve, but it makes me very cross when a business has a lit-up chanukah menorah after the end of the holiday. It's just wrong.
I spend forty hours a week at a university library, among the students and faculty—and my spouse is a Dean—and I would be very hesitant to make a pronouncement about what Students Are Like, or what Students’ Lives Are Like, even at the institution that employs me.
So, I have a question for watchers of _Doctor Who_, particularly those among the older demographic: Is this the first time that we’ve had a Companion with a Kid Back Home? (leaving aside definitional quibbles for "Companion", "Kid" and "Back Home")
Important question: how should I feel about my local high school theater putting on _Chicago_? I can't imagine feeling anything but hideously uncomfortable watching an underage Velma and Roxie, not to mention... everything else.
This is interesting to me—I am often surprised when educated, intellectually-curious people aren't interested in the Bible and don't know much about it. I've never felt at all embarrassed by knowing a fair amount about the Scriptures, but then I may be unaware of how people react to that knowledge.
probably easiest if we just have a series of conversations about it?! it is interesting though. some kinds of knowledge are considered worthwhile and some kinds of knowledge are a bit embarrassing. I think "knowing a lot about the Bible" has some strange associations for us right now.
Not that anyone should care but: my personal opinion is that expelling a duly elected Representative from Congress seems like a terrible thing that should only happen in the most extraordinary of circumstances, where letting the legislator serve would be actually a danger of some kind.
End of feed.