
I guarantee you the conclusion centrists and Carville-esque liberals are going to take from the recent European elections is “OK well we tried but it’s time to throw the immigrants under the bus, there’s no other way to survive.” Some of them have already landed there and the rest are en route.
Someone who I didn't think was progressive but who I assumed was reasonable went full-on "if the right-wing takes over France it's because the ungrateful immigrants tried to destroy the country" and welp.
It's the maple cocaine tweet, it was true
When your movement doesn't have ideological lines in the sand or even a coherent worldview beyond "Me and people like me should be in charge," throwing under the bus anyone whose bus-crushing might help you win is inevitable. The logical end of Popularism isn't/wasn't real hard to figure out.
But also when you don't actually know what's popular and just insist your priors are, which is what they seem to do. Definition of insanity etc
Of course they know what’s popular, it’s what 63 yahoos in a Frank Luntz focus group at an abandoned mall outside Altoona said but kind of didn’t say but maybe sort of said in a 90 minute chat
yeah that's what I mean. Or like, Chuck Schumer has his fictional family that conveniently believes whatever he wants them to.