Eddie Dolan

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Eddie Dolan


Plan: Biden sends in Seal Team Six to assassinate Trump and the six pro-dictator justices. Appoints six liberals who immediately reverse Presidential immunity. Biden goes to prison. Democracy is saved AND people get to choose from fresh candidates in November. Result!
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Dolan
/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
Abigail is Matilda 2. This is my headcanon.
Abigail is a thoroughly enjoyable Stuck in a Haunted House thriller with a good cast and a pacy, punchy script.
This BBC headline seems like fuel for right wing sites looking to stoke immigration hate. Buried six paras in: gun deaths halved in London. Gun attacks way down. I guess those figures aren't headline-worthy. "Gangs fuelling vicious cycle of gun violence" - Met www.bbc.com/news/article...
London gun crime: Gangs fuelling vicious cycle of violence - Metwww.bbc.com Cdr Paul Brogden tells the BBC over half of shootings in the capital involve gangs or organised crime.
Conservatives now promising every citizen a free box of gold coated in chocolate sprinkles. They've definitely secured my vote with these reliable promises.
Radio 4 giving Farage full scope to blame immigration for huge areas of towns and cities in Britain filled with Muslims who [he said this, explicitly] support jihad, don't speak any English, don't support British values. Overt racism is on the ballot in the UK.
Today in film reviews: Godzilla Minus One is very good, much better than any other Godzilla film I know of. Decent writing, good human drama.
So it turns out The Beekeeper is about twenty five minutes of fun, then increasingly a horror film about how writers can overuse the idea of a hive being protected until you, now in agony, fast forward past every mention of bees.
When does an extra word actually lessen the effect of the adjective? When you claim you're a "_very_ innocent man."
News headlines for the next six weeks: The Conservatives have said, "L is for Labour. L is for Lice." A Labour party spokesperson denied the claim.
I hope my favourite team, City United, win in the sportball contest this afternoon.
For a sleepy, low energy dementia-riddled man, Biden certainly gets a lot of bipartisan legislation through hostile GOP houses. And an amazing economy. And investment. And green policies. Weird.
No one is going to be giving the Dragon's Dogma writers or Voice Actors any awards. Janky to the point of comedy. Fetch quests for potatoes? Check. Fake medieval art thou? Check. #dragonsdogma2 #dragonsdogma #crpg
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Dolan
The King of England lies dying and one of his sons has been exiled. A princess has vanished. Plague stalks the land and the Treasury has been plundered. NOW is the time for strange women lying in ponds to distribute swords to form the basis of government.
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Dolan
I'm feeling pretty good about my chances.
You’ve been kidnapped. The characters from the last tv show you watched are trying to rescue you. Who is coming to save you?
Reposted byAvatar Eddie Dolan
You’ve been kidnapped. The characters from the last tv show you watched are trying to rescue you. Who is coming to save you?
End of feed.