
What's really disturbing about the debate fiasco is there's no way to be confident that Biden has it in him to pull off the near-flawless execution he'll need to win at this point. At a minimum, the Bidens owe us a real conversation about that. My take:
What Joe Biden Really Owes the Country Right There's no sugar-coating the debate, which was a disaster. At a minimum, he and Jill owe the country an honest conversation about whether he can still do this.
Biden is the candidate we have. There is no scenario where some magic 3rd candidate beats Trump. None. All these think pieces about how Biden is doomed, that Journo World has had packed away for months, doesn’t change that.
I think people would be more than happy to rally around a candidate who was reasonably charismatic, and accomplished, had a firm grasp of policy, opposes Trump, and does not look like they might be having a stroke several times per hour.
Can you please explain why you find having a stroke humorous? I’m sure in your head you thought “Heh, got ‘em” but you just look sorta childish, and a bit embarrassing.
It's not meant to be humorous at all. I don't think it's a good thing that he often freezes up or seems disoriented in public appearances.