Ed Hawkins

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Ed Hawkins


Climate scientist at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading | IPCC AR6 Lead Author | MBE | Warming Stripes: http://www.ShowYourStripes.info | Weather Rescue citizen science initiative: http://www.WeatherRescue.org
Gorner glacier 1863 and 2019
And, now #ShowYourStripes goes to Hollywood... Ozi will soon appear in cinemas! The film, produced by Leo de Caprio, tells the story of an orphan orangutan whose home is destroyed by deforestation. Becoming an influencer, she travels across the forest to try and save it. ozivoiceoftheforest.com
Hello Australia - it is #ShowYourStripes day! Visit showyourstripes.info to download simple, stark graphics that highlight how your climate has warmed over the past century or so. Share them to start conversations about climate change. It's time for action.
If you're in Brisbane, then you can join a gathering at Captain Burke Park to view the lights on the Story Bridge & Victoria Bridge, and have climate conversations over a sausage sizzle. #ShowYourStripes www.queenslandconservation.org.au/showyourstri...
Visit Principal Place in London to see 'Radial', built by Foster + Partners. It is an architectural sculpture designed to use the warming stripes concept to foster community engagement while prioritising environmental consciousness. #ShowYourStripes www.archilovers.com/projects/327...
If only we had detailed information telling us the climate is changing far faster than any time in human history... ...and if only we had an unambiguous physical explanation for why those changes have occurred... ...then some politicians would still deny any problem exists.
Things are only getting wetter
The increase in UK rainfall is largely due to an increase in rain intensity, i.e. the amount that falls on wet days, rather than the number of wet days increasing. A recent study found that last winter had ~20% more rain because of climate change. www.worldweatherattribution.org/autumn-and-w...
How hot was 2023 where you live? The warming stripes for each country, and many cities, are now updated! See www.ShowYourStripes.info, which includes a new interactive map. #ShowYourStripes
A discussion of the various tweaks made to the warming stripes for the 2023 update: climatelabbook.substack.com/p/warming-st... TL;DR - it was too hot last year and we had to change the designs.
A whole year of record breaking ocean temperatures. This warmth has significant effects on ocean ecosystems. A large fraction of the world’s human population rely on protein from the ocean to live. Disruption to life in the ocean does affect us all. www.bbc.co.uk/news/science...
Where does it rain? Total rainfall in ERA5 for 1950-2023 Range: 69mm (Sahara) to 2km (Papua)
A warming world Losing biodiversity #EarthDay
Flower petals showing European annual temperatures since 1980. Loving the cover design of the European State of the Climate report (led by @oceanterra.bsky.social). Designed by Anna Lombardi. The report highlights how extreme the climate of 2023 was for Europe: climate.copernicus.eu/esotc/2023
If you're running or watching the London Marathon then look out for the Warming Stripes on the course! In the last 1.5 miles you might notice the coloured stripes showing how the temperature in London has increased since 1850. Why not start a climate conversation? #ShowYourStripes #LondonMarathon
86 years In April 1938, Guy Callendar published his seminal paper showing that Earth’s land areas had warmed over the previous 50 years. He also suggested that man-made CO₂ emissions had caused around half of the observed warming. 86 years ago. rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1...
NEW PAPER: Reversal of projected European summer precipitation decline in a stabilizing climate Dittus et al. highlight how reaching net-zero emissions may allow summer rainfall decline in N. Europe & Mediterranean to at least partially recover. agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10....
Back to where it all began In 2018 I created simple stripey graphics to represent changes in temperature in the town of Hay for an event at the Festival. At Hay this year you can hear about the stripes journey from that local event to an iconic global image. www.hayfestival.com/p-21666-fran...
Yes, it has been very wet in England over the past 18 months. The wettest on record (since 1836).
We develop a physically plausible ‘causal chain’ as one approach to demonstrate the connections between global carbon dioxide emissions & real-life events, using a case study of flood risk in one river basin in the UK. Preprint in open review: egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/20...
Mapping changes in temperature: every year from 1850 to 2023 2023 was the warmest year on record. This 'small multiples' representation of observed changes in temperature show how the planet is heating rapidly almost everywhere.
The C3S/ECMWF team announce that 2023 was hottest on record, about 1.48°C above pre-industrial levels. "2023 was an exceptional year, with climate records tumbling like dominoes," says @oceanterra.bsky.social Great graphics in this BBC article about the data: www.bbc.co.uk/news/science...
Carbon dioxide emissions -> Global warming -> Increase in UK temperatures -> More intense UK rainfall -> Higher risk of flooding
With parts of England flooded again, a reminder that one key reason is that our winters are getting wetter as the world is warming. Lots of variation from year-to-year but winter rainfall has increased by ~27% overall since records began in 1837.
2023 was the warmest year on record globally by a large margin. Another dark red stripe gets added, though I think I need a new colour. #ShowYourStripes
This means we will be able to reconstruct the atmospheric circulation for historical weather events across north-west Europe with much greater precision. e.g. the drought of 1921 - red dots are new data available since the 20th Century Reanalysis v3 was last run.
Sporting teams & organisations are uniquely placed to inspire conversations about climate change amongst fans. Our new partnership with Envision Racing to put the Climate Stripes on their Formula E car for the 2024 season is part of that journey. bbc.co.uk/sport/67654858