
So there's just not going to be any effective opposition for the next 5+ years and that's obviously fucking horrifying for targeted minorities such as my little self etc etc however for half a minute that exit poll made me laugh and laugh and laugh so I guess I've got everything I could've hoped for
Liberal Democrats - maybe the most pro trans party. Will be very happy with the Exit Poll. If true, 61 MPs will mean the most MPs won since 62 MPs in 2005.
Yeah they're just where I want them tbh, strong enough to annoy the mainstream but weak enough not to suffer the delusions of grandeur that made them so treacherous 14 years ago.
I dislike them but compared to some parties in the Commons, they're not so bad. I voted Green. Hoping for 2-4 MPs.
But transphobe labour doesn't need them, and Hillary Cass got peerage...