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🏳️‍🌈Warhammer & Wargaming Miniature hobbyist.
LGBTQ+ , Currently Disabled (Crohn's Disease) .
❤️ Starwars & Warhammer, Marvel & DC.

Norsca project finally all assembled and based! (hate basing lol) and now ready to be primed. *a few other small painting projects i want to pull in before the mammoth task of painting these lol
When will the world learn that its problems can't be solved at the end of a gun!
I'm not one for reality TV but I've definitely fallen in love with Netflix's The Boy Friend, it's really well done and interesting
A few Attic Finds on my latest loft raid! lol
been adding a back to my gaming board so i can have another battle field on the reverse side as i could do with a Grimdark Future City style board. stage 1 (woodwork) adding a back done 👍
The inside Out Characters in my head 🫣😂
The Inside Out characters in my head
found this dude in the bit boxes and a pile of skulls! so naturally i thought they would like very metal 🤘 together hehe #nerdlings
what does sesame street and downing street have in common? ... both full of Muppets! 🤷🏻‍♂️ whats the difference between sesame and dowining street? .. seasmes streets sums all add up 🤷🏻‍♂️
Well he was a total pig to build 😂 , horse in two halves and neither line up with the out haha ... times like this im thankfully for greenstuff lol #Nerdlings
thats my Nosrca Marauder Horsemen assembled 😁
Finished my Dark Elf Corsairs mercenaries to fight alongside my city of Marienburg force for Warhammer the old world (also made to use with other game systems.. purely narrative battles) #Nerdlings #warhammer 🧵1/4
starting my warriors of Norsca 😁 with the leader of my marauder cavalry.. wanted to be able to keep the ride of before painting but GW not making it yes with all the dumb severed heads.. so i decided to sever a bunch from the model 🙄.. hate painting severed heads anyway! #Nerdlings
progress is slow (mostly because I've been so ill this past week) but now making a start on the cloak backs 😁 , still a long way to go with these! #Nerdlings
"Reskeet and show us what turned you gay Or bi " Definitely realised I probably was when saw Starwars Attack of the Clones lol 😬😳🫣
Reskeet and show us what turned you gay Or bi in my case which came as a big shock to my 40 year old ass.
just watched the first 2 episodes of #starwars : #theacolyte . Although visually stunning itfeels a bit weak .. don't know if its the directing/characters or story or script but definitely a bit weak and disappointing..I'm really hoping it picks up, there are some cool characters tho
WIP Wednesday! still slow working though my Dark Elf Corsairs! #Nerdlings #warhammer
A Norsca long boat has arrived bearing Chaos Marauder for the beginning of my Norsca Chaos army 😃
WIP on current painting project (very much beginning stage's!
finally got around to compelling 5 more bretonnian knights of the realm the other day! 😁 #warhammer #Nerdlings
I've got a new project starting and on its way .. after all marienburg is going to need some foes!
A photo of you that could be an album cover. *had to go back about a decade and a half too find one 🫣 .. i look such a dork 😂
WIP. well thats all the main colours blocked in! which means the hard part of deciding how to paint these butch is done .. now to move into details like leather/ armour work and such . #Nerdlings
found a load of fallen pine needles in the garden today! suddenly thought these might make great marshland long grass reeds 🤔😀
made a start the other day on some more bret knights. (the ones not stuck to horses are new knights the other are leftovers that I've striped from when i was a teen) 😔 sadly not sure if I'm going to be able to paint today though as my bloody tummy hurts 😔
painted a couple of old classic metals miniatures for my empire in the last few days. this classic warrior priest and this very old wizard model. no going to lie, i really enjoyed painting these despite not liking metal mini's generally 🤷🏻‍♂️ #warhammercommunity #Warhammer #WHFB #Nerdlings
Finished repainting/refreshing my empire halberdiers 😁 at the moment i have 50 of them, 1 unit of 30 & an add-on of 20 🤷🏻‍♂️ ... hoping at some point to be able to get 10 more so i can make 2 units of 30 both with full commands. #warhammercommunity #warhammerfantasy #WHFB #Nerdlings
I need to get up off the sofa and go do a bit of painting but my body doesn't seem to want to move at all now 😅 .. maybe i should just stay here a while longer 😬
Finally finished my 2nd unit of 30 peasant men at arms & 2 prests for my #bretonnian army , despite really enjoying painting the 1st unit this 2rd unit really bored me silly too paint this last few weeks .. so gald they are now done. #Nerdlings #nerdling #warhammer