
The “Great Man” Theory of History dates back to the 1840s (just before Karl Marx’s Manifesto). That’s how far back you have to go, to tap into an ideology that supposes it fucking matters who wins the U.S. presidency. It’s the class structure of society that actually matters. Biden/Trump doesn’t.
A Biden win, or a Trump win, neither is going to change the fundamental class dynamics, the ruling class is still going to be the ruling class. And, whatever effort we are supposed to invest in Biden’s win, is an opportunity cost for what actually needs doing. So fuck that.
So, one: I don’t fucking believe in the Great Man Theory of History, and two: I’m not willing to pay the cost to give a shit about it.
The rational, sane plan of action is to vote for whatever communist I can find on the ballot (if any), leave the rest blank, and focus on other things.