Ej Dickson

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Ej Dickson


Senior writer at Rolling Stone, hot Disney adult, reluctant Lea Michele stan. 9173976848 (Signal)
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New: I talked to a bike expert to see if he could explain the NYPD’s bike lock/outside agitator conspiracy at Columbia. I ended up with so much more. My chat w/ @brooklynspoke.bsky.social: www.thehandbasket.co/p/columbia-b...
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why this dog doing the lin manuel miranda face
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There's this genre of hot-take tech writing at the Atlantic that's just millennials doing Andy Rooney grumps for a few hundred words and hitting send. Little reporting, no solutions, little insight. Who is this for? Who reads it and says thank you, I am better informed or richer for this?
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Exclusive: A former member of Jojo Siwa’s girl group XOMG Pop alleges that Jojo and her mother Jess subjected her to bullying and grueling hours, with little compensation. “They threw us in the trash,” Leigha Sanderson alleges. www.rollingstone.com/culture/cult...
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Honestly, shout out to @ejdickson.bsky.social for giving me the opportunity to talk about how @bostondykemarch.com thinks the police presence at pride events is harmful (even if it’s a condition of our permit).
last year, i got to low-key shit talk the boston cops in rolling stone. it was a highlight
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New from me: the Yassification of Gypsy Rose Blanchard in the media and on TikTok has been intensely disturbing. I wrote about why: www.rollingstone.com/culture/cult...
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BREAKING: I just posted a letter to Substack leadership seeking answers to questions about the platforming and monetizing of Nazis. It was written by a collective of publishers and is being shared today on each of our individual Substacks. Read in full here: www.thehandbasket.co/p/substacker...
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Audience growth of white nationalists who have pivoted to pro-Palestinian content: Jackson Hinkle: 500k to 2 million CensoredMen: 200k to 700k Lucas Gage: 100k to 200k Keith Woods: 70k to 150k Jake Shields: 400k to 550k Ryan Dawson: 75k to 150k Lord Bebo: 155k to 275k
If you work for the ADL hit me up. My Signal is in my bio, it will be totally confidential, and also I love tea
EXCLUSIVE: "If you want to be a business leader, you need to reconcile with your past": I spoke with former employees at Movers+Shakers, the agency behind TikTok's most viral marketing campaigns, who were allegedly tied to the Keith Raniere-led cult NXIVM: www.rollingstone.com/culture/cult...
The idea that Elon Musk has had sex is baffling to me
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A banner year for Mic dot com alumni tbh
This morning while I was walking my dog I was thinking about how inspiring it is that Jeremy Strong is so committed to being his intense, grating self despite all outside opposition and I was so moved I started crying. I would lay down my life for that weird little man
The Andrew Tate/Tucker Carlson interview was a cosmic gumbo of easily verifiable lies, woman-hating, and Tucker’s schoolgirl giggling at everything that came out of Tate’s mouth. A hellish 2.5 hours: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tucker-carlson-andrew-tate-interview-1234786792/
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twitter is dying. reblue to make it die faster.
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Every time I open twitter my top tweet is like “here’s why vaccines cause autism (a thread)” or “here’s some stats about Black people presented out of context” and I’m just….done. Not worth the momentary rush of getting an RT from like Chrissy Teigen when the joy is slowly getting sucked from you
I did a Hulu doc about influencers like three weeks postpartum so I didn’t remember shooting it AT ALL
Did you guys know it smell like smoke outside
Taking a break from the Bad Platform, thank god I have the Good Platform to post my husband’s opinions of the lyrics to High School Musicals Getcha Head In the Game (he thinks it makes no sense)
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losing my mind at this new NYT profile vs. the one @ejdickson.bsky.social wrote in 2021
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celebrating pride w a new gender