
Right wing pro-Israel zealots are going after the Auschwitz Museum after it stood by the work of Jonathan Glazer. Your regular reminder that they only see the Holocaust and antisemitism as PR tools for support for Israel’s right wing government.
Thanks for posting this, but I also wish I didn’t open this app right before a Friday night dinner with friends.
Is the board still full of PiS fans? This support of Glazer has layers.
As I understand it, the museum did make a pretty decent effort of maintaining its independence even during the PiS years, much to the outrage of many of PiS's obsessive Polish nationalist supporters.
Poland's Holocaust law triggers tide of abuse against Auschwitz Staff say they have suffered a campaign of disinformation and hate from Polish nationalists
So, Holocaust museums are off limits cuz "antisemitism" if you're protesting Israel's war crimes but fair game if you're defending them? Good to know.