
This is very bad. And if, God forbid, they are hurt, those who have been gunning for more enforcement will be exposed for the danger they've put these students under. I cannot stand watching this unfold. Jews are not made safter this way, and we aren't advancing legit discussions on antisemitism.
NYU Gaza solidarity encampment just sent out an advisory saying administration has threatened “severe consequences” and “anything is on the table” if they don’t clear out. (via Talia Jane on Twitter)
There is a lot to discuss about antisemitism right now, but it's overshadowed by propagandists who are looking to make being anti-war into a pro-terror position. Not only that, they are advancing bigotry against Muslims and Palestinians. There is no cohesive approach to *safety* here.
I have no idea how to fight against antisemitism with the Jewish establishment in the USA trying to throw us over the edge
You couldn't have hit the nail on the head any harder. Our safety is only possible through solidarity, and anyone who tries to disrupt or dispute that is likely hoping for bad things to happen to Jews.
The Same Extremists Target Both Muslims and Far-right extremists shifted their online hate from Muslims to Jews in 2017, and offline hate followed the same trends
Unfortunately anti-Semitism and anti-muslim bigotry exist because people are tribal. It should be very simple - you can be against the terrorist actions of Hamas in Oct 7 (It's abhorrent that the top Hamas brass sit pretty in Qatar). And you can be against the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians
Quite a few people searching desperately today for personal exemption from the rule of law while preserving the right to condemn others with impunity.
Living w/ all my thoughts, feelings, identities: American, Jew, NYU prof.... & parent. Thu is Take Your Child to Work Day. I'm planning to bring mine. The thing that's giving me pause is not the protests themselves. It's the thought I might put them in danger bc of an outsized authoritarian response
I'm so sorry. That's so much to grapple with.
THIS ESCALATED QUICKLY. What the heck are the college administrators thinking? Are they going to Streisand-Effect themselves into student/faculty deaths for the benefit of Elise Stefanik? Really?
Just read on Twitter that an encampment had been set up next to Hillel at MIT. And now Hillel has to move their seder? Came over to wish you peace and good tidings for Passover. So sorry this insanity is happening.