
let's do the seal team six hypo. president orders st6 to assassinate a political rival bc rival is a threat to national security. possible this is absolutely immune under pres's commander in chief power. if it's not, then it gets presumptive immunity (which may be absolute anyway)
if your instinct is "calm down, surely this is an exaggeration," allow me to assure you that it's really not
Presidents will be restrained by the long settled norm of not deploying death squads that have sworn an oath of personal fealty to the president! And if they do violate that norm, why we can make our displeasure known at the ballot box!
And of course he'll be impeached and removed
Totes. No idea why everyone’s freaking out!
Roberts even acknowledges the possibility of "Congress [] unable to muster the political will to impeach" and he fails to elaborate on whether impeachment & conviction would waive the court-invented presidential immunity
And despite Roberts' scolding that impeachment would not be a "necessary first step in the enforcement of criminal law," what impeachable act would NOT be covered by Roberts' invented immunity? Is the president going to be impeached for jaywalking? (Is jaywalking an official act?)