
i saw some folks worried that, legally, biden couldn’t be replaced on ballots - especially in crucial states like wisconsin - in time. the heritage foundation put out a memo trying to promote this fear for example. dave weigel reports here that it’s basically BS.
Republicans famously obey election laws, so that was a good take to publish.
Fast forward to mid-November when SCOTUS rules Harris wasn’t eligible to run in CA and hands its 54 EC votes to Trump.
The Supreme Court does that & I think we’re in civil war territory. We may not be bloodthirsty maniacs like they are, but we’re not just gonna roll over & let them overturn the election like that. Civil disobedience & disorder on a mass scale & potentially a legit general strike at a minimum
And since this would have to be happening before the inauguration I think Biden (or Harris if Biden stepped down) would be fully justified in using their newly granted immunity in whatever way they saw fit to remedy the situation. I could see them actually using it, only scenario I think they might
Dems have been absolute cowards in standing up to the Court thus far. They were cowards in the immediate hours after Jan 6th, too. History shows they would not do anything except whine about it in a fundraising email and go along with the “norm” of respecting the Court’s decision.
Well, okay then guess it’s all over, time to close up shop on the American experiment. Glad I talked to you before signing up to waste my time canvassing!
Here is the pdf of state deadlines, which are all after the convention:
Okay, but what's the likelihood that this would end up at the Supreme Court? Cause then it seems like all bets are off.