Elijah Meeks

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Elijah Meeks


Principal Engineer at Confluent. Ex-Noteable, Apple, Netflix, Stanford. I write sometimes and talk too much.
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working title for next edition of Chartography is THIS CHART KILLS FASCISTS It will be a feat that I’m honestly still trying to pull off. subscribe: charts.substack.com
Anyone in digital humanities doing work with folklore? I'd love to see some mythology/folklore data visualization examples.
Anybody out there doing slick data visualization with realtime data?
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Apply to be a speaker at Outlier Conference (Chicago or virtual June 12-14) by February 24th! www.outlierconf.com
So, I'm a Principal Software Engineer now, which is weird because 15 years ago I was studying environmental history of Sandai Chin. I started using ArcGIS and MySQL to make stuff like this and I guess that's the ??? of the Step 2 Profit meme.
Sure, I have a diversified portfolio. I have Apple stock, I have Netflix stock and I have Noteable stock.
GenAI is going to change the world!
Dalle3 knows about ORBIS! If we ever refresh it these would provide some great inspiration.
I’ve always been struck at how Priestley’s timelines were simultaneously information dense (a lot of ink) and sparse. Six very general buckets and other than lifespans (frankly who cares) and coincident existence of famous people there’s really not much there.
Excited to attend the Barry Lawrence Ruderman Conference on Cartography tomorrow. I can only make it for a day so please don't do anything interesting tonight or Friday thanks.
Chrome crashed and my tabs are missing and I think the British Museum might have them.
Life coming at me fast tonight.
Wait we can't post animated gifs here?
Google can't automatically save my bookmarks to my logged in Chrome account but it has the time to add dumb emoji animations to search results?
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Ok hivemind. What are the most memorable/iconic visualizations from the past decade?
The Deno Kernel is now available on Noteable and it's really interesting because it forces you to think about js data visualization from a server-side perspective. Here's a quick intro to making some charts to get folks started. app.noteable.io/f/0c265ea3-f...
It only took a decade but we finally have D4. Data-Driven Deno Documents
I've been thinking a lot about how the answers that LLMs provide still work for people even though the answers are dodgy. And it made me think of older technologies like dataframes that provide answers in the moment in service to something greater. platform.noteable.io/blog/datafra...
Dataframes: Answers in Service to a Solution | Noteable Platformplatform.noteable.io Dataframes are key to the popularity and power of notebooks but not for the reasons you think
Time to write a new data visualization library optimized for Jupyter Notebooks running Deno Kernels.
“All our projections for future sea level rise use these low rates of warming. Our models might be underestimating the loss of ice that we might get.” I want a corpus consisting entirely of the incongruent last hopeful paragraph of every climate change article from the last 30 years.
We often hear about Developer Experience (DX) for software libraries but is there an equivalent focused on scientific computing? I feel like there are different optimizations for creating a library to be integrated into a software engineering project compared to using it for data science.
WHAT IF... instead of a spreadsheet the Egyptians had carved a network diagram into the wall at Luxor? We'd have limitless free energy by now. Instead we've got TikTok.
Hey #DigitalHumanities folks, is linked open data still a thing? I remember when everyone was going to learn SPARQL and I hand-rolled an entire linked data database for the Grand Tour project before I really understood what linked data was beyond graph data. It feels like that wave crested, though.
If you're a person who has done data viz then there's a good chance that you have an opinion about connected scatterplots as well as a good chance that you're wrong in your opinion so here I am to help you. https://medium.com/@Elijah_Meeks/are-connected-scatterplots-unreadable-57fb4281ffb3
Are Connected Scatterplots Unreadable?medium.com And what does unreadable really mean in a data visualization context?
Historical conflict as Infocom text adventure. I still find ChatGPT endlessly entertaining.
Nobody has posted about orbis.standord.edu on here, yet? I can't allow that. ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman Empire still going strong more than a decade after we made it.
I keep expecting to find out that esoteric language structures influence LLM performance like finding out that dangling participles achieve better performance in prompts.
The people who learn how to code with AI assistance—do we expect them to then code like the old days or will they always use AI? Is it a booster rocket or does it replace the spaceship?