Elisabeth (J) Hobbes

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Elisabeth (J) Hobbes


Writes Rom Hist as Elisabeth Hobbes & Rom Hist folklore/fantasy with the J.
Teaches KS1. Bit of a geek. Sings ok. Powered by Tea. Autistic. An abomination unto Nuggan.
This week I have done extra dog walks as o/h was away, finished school reports, gone to London for my publisher’s party, met with my editor, voted, watched the election all night & written some book. Tomorrow I have my choir concert (and a solo) and on Monday I’m 49. What a week!
I look forward to the press having The Greens on as much as Reform from now on. Oh and the Lib Dem’s on considerably more right?
Turns out the best antidote to manspreading is to jam a crutch or walking stick in between your seats and create a barrier. Even more effective when the man in question is wearing shorts and the stick is cold. I might keep it even after the hip op. 😁
I went to pre-op for hip replacement today. I started following an old lady with a zimmer frame towards a door but I saw a big screen with a picture and dates through the window & realised that there was also a funeral afterparty on. The joint staff were at another entrance.
One of these scarecrows is probably evil. But which one?
O/h and Teen1 are in Lisbon. I’m at home and it’s raining. Somehow that doesn’t seem fair. 😫
From around 4am I was in A&E with chest & stomach pain. Luckily I got a bed & cubicle so it was bearable but the waiting rooms were jammed. The staff were run off their feet & I’m in awe of how they manage to be so kind and professional. The system is broken beyond belief though.
Am planning new book with 3 women who initially hate each other. Thinking of naming them all after flowers, which other characters will comment on & assume they’re great friends, which will annoy them even more. Too contrived or not? #writers #names #writingcommunity
The dog is chilled out until Geldof comes on then she starts barking at the screen. #totp
Teen 2 is at Download. I’m going to write, take Teen 1 to buy a prom shirt then go to karaoke with my choir whilst avoiding Doctor Who spoilers.
Pearl’s a singer. She stands up when she plays the piano. Her posture is fucked!
I heard this month described as Junuary and I’m nicking it. I want some bloody sunshine. Is that too much to ask? 😫
If I had a personal fortune of £10,000,000,000 I’d at least splash out on double scoops! #icecream #dukeofwestminster
I had a conversation with my queer teen about queer characters in historical fiction. I’ve tried to include more representation in mine (and the next couple of books have more) so a sharing snippets. But please seek out books by queer authors. #pridemonth #excerpts #Pride #historicalromance
Have you ever had cramp so bad it leaves your leg feeling like you’ve been kicked by a horse. 😢 I woke up in the middle of the night and had to lurch round the bathroom until it eased and it’s still painful now.
Me to Teen 2 -Today's an important day, do you know what it is? Teen2 D-Day. Me thinking of National Fish and Chips Day - umm, yeah. 😬
Today is National Fish and Chips Day. What are you having with yours? #fishandchips
The absolute hypocrisy of the media who rightly recognise the debt we our to our fallen heroes then claim we must pull out of the ECHR. The ECHR, a document UK/Churchill supported and signed after WW2 to prevent Genocide, Slavery and Fascism in Europe. What more could happen If they undo it ?
I’m at the point that if I see anyone sharing crappy AI pictures of smiling baby dolphins or rain stained coffee shops it’ll be an automatic defriend. They’re always shit so either the person sharing them is too unaware to spot that or doesn’t care. 🙄
My superpower is replying to tweets which have nothing to do with my books but which become really popular (by my standards) 🙄 #superpowers #irony #writerslife
I’ve walked past the Winter Gardens in Morecambe loads & today they were open with an organist playing so we nipped in. It’s fabulous! They do silent movies with accompaniment which I’m very tempted to go to. #morecambe #seaside #wintergardens #sunday #architecture
What sort of giant dogs do they have in Morecambe!
Talking with my queer kid about whether to share excerpts of my books with queer characters. I write hist fict & think it’s important to make the point LGBTQ+ isn’t a new thing. Teen thinks it’s a good idea but I don’t want to get in anyone’s lane. Thoughts? #books #pridemonth #writingcommunity
Happy #Pride! If you'd like to read a comic by a queer creator about queer characters during Pride, please stop on by!!
KEEPING TIME is a webcomic about two guys who, years after an unspeakable tragedy, reunite, start a band, and, against everyone's better judgement, fall in love. Told in two timelines that alternate between past and present, it's only gonna get gayer from here!! 🎸 keepingtimecomic.com #WebcomicDay
Bonus Discworld QOTD for Pride Month, from Feet of Clay remember, Terry Pratchett said trans rights
If you have never read BLADE MAIDENS before or need to catch up, good news! Every single page of our series is available for free at our site. We have 3 completed stories (THE HUNT, STRAYS, and WHAT FOOLS THESE MORTALS BE) and our 4th (CLOSED FIST, OPEN HAND) is in progress! www.blademaidens.com!
BLADE MAIDENS IS BACK!! In the latest update of CLOSED FIST, OPEN HAND... Eldridge runs into a very familiar face, which spells disaster for The Blades. Well...mostly Mel. Check it out (and read the entire series!) at our site: www.blademaidens.com/comic/blade-...