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Kid Charlemangne
Longlegs was kinda disappointing. Amazing, scary, darkly atmospheric and tense for the first half and then the resolution is just....pretty dumb
Cracking up at the fact that Vance's wife has to wear flats so it doesn't affect the image of BIG STRONG BEEFY VEEPY
Had the performance review. Much more mixed because though all my clients love me, the administration is trying to push my office away from remote work, which is fucking stupid.
Was stressed about my review today among all the shattering news about the end of democracy but I got the feedback early and multiple people apparently complimented and singled out the fact that I am “easy-going” and “laid back” as positives for providing legal services, which is a nice pick me up.
Getting real tired of living in unprecedented times. Would love for some precedent-ed-ness now.
Turns out when you appoint manifestly unqualified right wing grifters to advance a cravenly selfish and backwards legal philosophy, it pays off
I mean when you look at all of my other interests, I think the clear answer is how much I like college football.
Has anyone discovered a new interest in their life that makes absolutely no sense at all based on the person they’ve been up until this point Mine is deep sea fishing
In terms of weird places to be during this, this has gotta be near the top.
Christ on a bike things are gonna get weird.
Second night of dogshit sleep in Vegas. Ready for my own bed.
This may be harsh, but under my enlightened dictatorship, anyone walking around blasting their shitty music on personal speakers in public spaces will be shot on the spot.
Gambling vibes are rancid today so far. Time to pause and regroup.
Won $60 on a $10 bet on a slot machine with my first bet so it’s all downhill from here
Im on a 737-8 but with all of the Blazers so at least if the flight breaks up in air they’ll probably kill a few Boeing executives to make up for it
Terry Porter is on my flight!
Flying to Summer League and the Blazers on on the commercial flight I’m on. Guess they only fly private once they make the roster…
Is the vast sense of superiority I feel getting into the TSA precheck line deserved or rational? No. Will I continue to ride the high? Yes.
Gonna go get drunk in an airport, then a plane then Vegas, in that order. Pray for the liver.
Read this combo of books. Right wing dipshits beholden to the John Birch society and the military industrial complex unleashed the greatest existential threat to humanity and edged us to the brink of apocalypse. Infuriating.
I would like to go back now, please.
I may have overbought booze for camping this weekend. Slightly. (There’s a bottle of clarified old fashioned too)
My girlfriend convinced me to foster three feral kittens she found and will trap in the next few days. Lordt help me. (But there should be some adorable kitten content incoming)
The Bear was really good but if you’re gonna spend that much of a season on creating emotional tension, you gotta give us some sort of resolution.
I don't hate the later sentence date, honestly? Closer to the election and his doughy ass sits in the stir for 30 days while the campaign is going on?
Good god, the immunity decision is BAD. And it's a remand so it'll take even longer to decide. Christ on a bike.
Reposted byAvatar emc503
The system they've created in the course of a week
“I wonder what it was like to live in the Weimar Republic” /monkey paw curls
Immunity on Monday. FUCK.