
Fuck all about women's rights is the answer. Nothing about equal pay, opportunities, training, childcare, reproductive rights, *actual* sexual predation (rather than theorical), domestic abuse, menopausal support or mental health. But a whole heap of bullshit about toilets.
What Starmer has hinted at, but hasn't been bold enough to spell out, is that the law *already* protects "single-sex spaces". The bar for excluding (for example) trans women is high *because it should be*, because that's what equality is all about. Meanwhile, two women a week killed by cis men.
But my point is that even if that wasn't the case (amd I stress I know that it is), it's one fucking issue. Everything thing else that shapes women's lives has been brushed away. Areas where real change and progression is needed. On this point I'm angry not as an ally, but as a woman.
Yes, and I agree wholeheartedly. Women have also born the brunt of the negative impact of austerity and the pandemic (to take two examples). The ridiculous toilets thing is a useful distraction for the patriarchy, as much as it's also a TERF obsession. The TERFs can't see that.
So this has always interested me how the fucked up right wings always think about trans women using toilets, being in sports etc etc yet there is nothing about trans men doing the same thing. Interesting how there are TERFs but not TERMs.
Transphobe rationale: 1. Trans men are “just confused lesbians” 2. Trans men are “really” “biological women 3. Er…. 4. That’s it, really. The toilet thing is particularly weird because, per transphobic logic, trans men “should” use the ladies’ loos. Cos that’d go down well.
I don't know what they'd make of the gay trans guys I know
I wish it was that plain and simple for trans women just 2 bullet points.