
This is important. For example, you might think that the media fuss around not allowing trans women to be on a shared women’s hospital ward in the U.K. was based on evidence. But it isn’t. There haven’t been any complaints, let alone any problems. The “threat” is a phantasm.
You can’t carve out exceptions to equality based on feelings, or hunches, or bad takes. Why? Because that way lies persecution of whichever minorities are currently deemed unpalatable. Transphobes’ mistrust of trans people is based on whipped up fear, not on any actual threat.
It’s the Bear Patrol. And if you think trans women are a threat to society, I got a Tiger-Banishing Rock to sell you.
www.Translucent (dot) have done stirling work in this respect as I'm sure you are referencing here Emily.
Yes, thanks Tilly. I couldn’t find the link.