
the lack of transparency in both the initial action and this follow up is indicative of broader institutional decay and collapse in comics. vancaf, the cbldf, the eisners and several other organizations have been egregiously failing us in accountability and transparency and i wonder where it stops
i'm curious who the folks were behind this ban. we know who they targeted. shouldn't they let us know who THEY are and apologize for their own actions? or not, and let us decide for ourselves whether we want to work with them?
VanCAF resignations follow controversial ban of Miriam After a week of outcry, VanCAF has issued an apology to cartoonist Miriam Libicki, after she was banned from the festival.
there is precedent for how actions like this should be taken and communicated to the public, and that’s frank miller being dropped from thought bubble. i don’t think the cases themselves are anything alike but there was clear prededent to follow that was ignored.
being sloppy and opaque about expelling and/or blacklisting creators on ideological grounds just opens the door to abuse and that concerns me a lot given how readily and viciously trans women get disposed of by creative communities these days
Even the statement on the VanCAF website — it’s a big image of text, without ALT text. So it’s inconvenient, can’t be searched, and can’t be read by the blind.