
"If we’re not fighting for the liberty of people who look differently or who live differently or who worship differently or who love differently, then we are not fighting for our liberty, because when one person is not free, we are not free"
Meanwhile, libertarians are casually paraphrasing Hitler, along with some other white supremacist talking points
Some history of that paraphrased quote: 14 is a numeric combination used by Nazis all over the world. The exact 14 words of this code are: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
I really don't know the answer to this, but I suspect that the candidate is saying what he thinks people want to hear and the current state of libertarianism is closer the always-odious NH libertarians. OTOH, I don't pay close attention and NH has picked up some loonies with the FSP.
The LPNH people have been trying to stop Chase from getting the nomination for almost 2 years.