
The Social Security Administration will eliminate all but a handful of those unskilled jobs from a long-outdated database used to decide who gets benefits and who is denied, ending a practice that advocates have long decried as unfair and inaccurate.
Social Security to jettison obsolete jobs used to deny disability For decades, Social Security has used obsolete jobs like pneumatic tube operator and nut sorter to deny disabled claimants.
Good start. Now change the rules for disabled people and marriage.
OMG. My mom warned me about this and it's ridiculous. Especially since you can't live on disability alone
Yeah I basically am missing 40% of my income from in kind and marriage penalties.
Disability needs to be a liveable wage and it shouldn't be based on your spouses wage. Your spouse can lose their job at any time.
The idea of someone on disability losing benefits is from the 20s/30s when people were one income households. It's archaic and needs to be changed to reflect modern needs
SSI was created in the 70’s and the amount we are allowed to earn through work or be gifted doesn’t go up with inflation.
It has stayed the same since 1973…. When we created the program.
My mom has been on disability for over a decade, the increases are so negligible that it's definitely not keeping up with the rest of the costs out here.