
As we know, Biden could do this via executive order and they can't say shit now, but Biden won't do anything. He respects the court.
The Biden administration cannot enforce new anti-discrimination rules in health care for transgender Americans, a Mississippi federal judge ruled, citing a recent landmark Supreme Court ruling that weakened the power of federal agencies.
Judge cites new Supreme Court ruling in blocking health care anti-discrimination protections for transgender Americans | CNN The Biden administration cannot enforce new anti-discrimination rules in health care for transgender Americans, a federal judge in Mississippi ruled Wednesday, citing a recent landmark Supreme Court r...
But he did do that with executive order and that’s what the fucking court ruling was about. God why are you guys all fucking idiots
Right, the actual context is "presidents are kings, as long as they're Republican" and Biden is still bound by the old rules.
Yeah, me too. I don't have faith that national-level Democrats will do enough to rein in the Courts. Local organizations will be essential instead. The greatest frustration is just how little Dems seem to understand they're facing an opponent who won't ever play fair.
God you’re fucking idiot. I hate you why are you so stupid just like like all the other fucking people with college degrees. You’re all so disappoint
I'm sorry, I thought I was expressing the same frustrations as you. What were you getting at?
Because the rules are only to bind us not them. Problem is the lack of power, and the focus on the organizing outside of the system instead of within it.
Exactly, that's what I meant by local organizations mattering much more. National Dems don't understand the rules don't exist any more for Republicans, or corporations, or anyone aligned with them.
I don’t think national Democrats are really a problem. It’s the lack of local power
I mean, I think it's both. Local power won't do shit to knock down a power hungry Supreme Court.
National dems tried already multiple times in big visible ways. Like this court case only exists do to national dem power being used.
And they should keep pushing
And they have. God this is what made me think everything is a fucking failure because you’re fucking smart people won’t even fucking look at the White House page. You’re also fucking lazy
I hate all of you. You’re so lazy. You’re so self-centered. I can’t believe that none of you can just look at the White House page and see that there’s things being done every single fucking month and you guys will always make these demands as if the Democrats didn’t already
I’m literally crying my eyes out because nobody fucking acknowledges anything and it’s so sad Why are you all so lacking in any knowledge???? why don’t you guys look at the White House page what is so hard???
It’s like the White House page is always like two or three days behind, and I still feel like I’m the only one who knows anything about what’s being done
Like when the one trans NB was killed in school, that got multiple responses from the White House with nobody responding to those multiple responses here and wanting the president to respond.
It’s all so infuriating. Why can’t anyone understand? The media is owned by billionaires! They hate Biden! Why would they make Biden look good?
Avatar + any topic in google. That’s the secret. I’m sorry only us stupid people do this to know real quick in one location. And never have to wonder what’s been done. You can just know if the executive order was made. You never gotta say something the smart peoples already did.
The White President Biden and Vice President Harris promised to move quickly to deliver results for working families. That’s what they’ve done.
A) you're not stupid B) yes, this is a great way to see what the White House is trying, I do this regularly to see what Congress is doing too
Avatar is the best way to know how stark the difference between democrats and republicans actually is. It really shifted me hard and away from the anti democrats.
I will never be apart of anti democrat progressives ever again. My eyes were opened. I am so awake it hurts.
Of course Democrats are better than Republicans. That still leaves a lot of room to be better still
Yes, of course, hence why the Times is useless in covering this election as they were in 2016. And I do see hope, I like what AOC is doing to try to put the screws to the courts, because that's the core issue: no matter what Dems try, the courts will find a way to swat it down
That is, until we stop the courts.
I hate the courts and they make me feel such despair but it’s also why we cannot let republicans have any power ever again.