
Pardon me as I scream into a pillow about the fact that Johnson & Johnson slashed Janssen's vaccine R&D and abandoned their adult RSV vaccine even though that protected older adults from severe RSV for *3 seasons* with a single dose:
You can use my screaming pillow! I use it whenever I think about how we had a Lyme Disease vaccine that was pulled from the market because of “low demand” 🙃🙃
there is another one on the way from someone bigger and slightly less likely to give up
From what I can tell from press releases it sounds like they felt like they would be too slow to get to market. Also I expect that the fact that it’s an adenovirus vector had a chilling effect after the cases of VITT/TTS came to light
Ha, thanks. It was more Existential Despair Rhetoric than a real q — I didn’t know the details, but could guess. I think a lot of people don’t recognize that the vaccine distribution/coverage stuff is…bad now. A longer term is super helpful. (I had to pay cash for a std vax my doc prescribed. 🤬)
I will never not be mad about that. I’m grateful I had the cash, because I needed it, but that my insurance company made it too hard to access in a timely fashion and the — I forget which agency I contacted — nice regulator said “yeah they can do that, have you considered lobbying?” infuriates me.
Is there reason to think a different adenovirus would be safer? That issue really needs to be resolved before this tech is used again IMO.
Since they know the principle of action (right?) they could at least eliminate that in vitro.
It just seems like a very very rare but nearly 100% fatal side effect is not a reasonable tradeoff.
But you still have to validate that it prevents the effect in vivo
JJJ has the most fucked vibes of any large pharma organization, I do not understand them at all