
The Seattle City Council's weekly briefing, which is supposed to be at least somewhat policy-related ("briefing" on what will happen this week) has devolved into council members reciting long lists of every public event they attended last week. They still haven't adopted any substantive legislation.
Former council president Debora Juarez cracked down on this use of public time when she got fed up with Dan Strauss doing it, but she isn't there anymore, so we're back to "What I Did In My Week As a Council Member" meeting bloat.
Meanwhile, when people clap during public comment (which happens only occasionally), the current council president takes time out of the meeting to tell the clappers that they are taking up valuable meeting time.
This sounds incredibly frustrating and tiresome
"I'm doing a LOT of WORK!" Said in the voice of a 15 year old watching their mom plan their party.