
Our NEJM piece today on academic freedom, and why institutions cannot remain silent, such as when lives are potentially at stake, as occurred with Covid.
NY Gov. Kathy Hochul said "“The First Amendment protects the right to protest but students also have a right to learn in an environment free from harassment or violence. At Columbia ..., threatening Jewish students with violence or glorifying the terror of October 7 is antisemitism.”
"Lederer shared cell video that he recorded Saturday night, showing a protester on campus ran off with his Israeli flag and then lit on fire. He said after the incident, other protesters attacked him. “They were pushing and shoving me,” said Lederer. “They threw rocks at my face."
What about when Jewish students are harassed or even attacked on campus? Doesn't the administration have a responsibility to condemn the harassment and violence? See my next comment, a quote from Jonathan Lederer, a sophomore at Columbia University.
What about -ism. If group one does wrong, that does not mean that group two is absolved when it does wrong in its turn. The wrong done to one is as bad as the wrong done to another. Your comment might be valid in a thread on antisemitism, but has nothing to do with the danger the OP here describes.
And also: if group ABCZ does wrong, that does not mean their grievance is therefore without value. Get your logical fallices oin order please, Mr shackman I don't really follow what you wrote. According to NY Governor Hochul, students should have free speech, freedom to protest. But harassing or attacking Jewish students is beyond free speech and should not be allowed.