Erika Rier

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Erika Rier

Artist making ceramics, zines, and comics
My favorite time of my daughter’s birthday season has also started where I text her how long I’d been in labor, I’d been in labor for 30 hours so I’m probably at about hour 18 now.
How is it that my little baby daughter is turning 21 tomorrow?
Been burning through gold luster lately, wonder why?
I’ve decided when I sit down on the bus and the dress that I’m wearing is so voluminous it ends up spreading onto the seat next to me that I will henceforth call this ladyspreading (but if the bus is busy don’t worry, I pull all that extra fabric into my lap…I’m not that much of an asshole friends)
Been making some funny teeny tiny lady vessels in preparation for my trip to San Francisco for my first West Coast Craft!
People spend a lot of time complaining about Twitter on here but I’m going to move that we change it up a bit and spend more time griping about Instagram.
A very silly ceramic piece I just put up in my shop.
A little mug I recently made. I’ve shifted to making all my mugs with slabs rather than coils and I’ve been experimenting with pulling handles off the vessel as opposed to the little gremlin coil handles I typically make.
My husband has finally solved one of my longest running problems as an artist: that moment before I fall asleep and I get a brilliant idea. This happened last night but this wonderful man texted me my own idea so that when I woke up this morning there it was on my phone.
Can we stop referring to things like gluten-free diets as a” dietary preference”? I have an autoimmune disease that causes me to almost immediately throw up certain foods, this is not a preference it’s a disability.
Here is a very silly handbuilt vase I made last year inspired by a very sporty birthday party for a friend I had no idea liked any sort of sports at all.
Chronic illness and working for myself has been so rough this past year. After 2 surgeries and a diagnosis for a new, difficult to manage autoimmune disease, I’m lucky if I can get 3 full work days in a week right now. I’m trying to stay optimistic but it’s getting harder with each flare-up.
You know those TikTok videos that are just a mash up of a bunch of cats going on a rampage of destruction set to intense heavy metal music? That’s Fifi’s personality type.
Here is another piece that came out of my gold luster firing this week. This piece is a collaboration with a potter name Shay, they threw the vessel for me and I painted, glazed, and gold lustered it. I’m hoping to do more larger narrative pieces like this in the near future.
Whenever I sit down to do some digital drawing either my iPad or my pencil are dead. And then I just go draw on some paper instead.
Sometimes I get an idea for a new piece and even I know it goes too far but it’s so funny I’m not sure I can resist it.
These new ceramic creatures just crawled out of the gold luster kiln.
It’s been a long time since I started using a new platform. I’m honestly not exactly sure how I’m going to use this account but I’m so excited to start figuring it out. In the meantime, here’s a recent ceramic sculpture I made titled, She Rides Picasso’s Horse.
End of feed.