
Man. I feel so much for the actual good humans who work for that paper. There are no jobs in journalism now, no other places to go, and we all gotta eat to live.
the fact that there's zero ambiguity about which paper you're referring to <<<<<
I have noooooo idea what you mean, Micah. None at alllllll.
There are plenty of honorable (and better compensated) ways to make a living. Working there is not one of them.
I think that's wonderful in theory, but far less possible in practice.
Oh, I don’t know. They’re not Goldman Sachs. People work there because they like it.
Finding another position in journalism is more than an uphill battle at the moment. Entirely switching fields requires already having a significant safety net to allow you to start again from scratch. Again, great if you can do it! Not really an option for a lot of folks.
So they have no choice but to keep doing…whatever that is? Your read is much more charitable than mine. I think they like the status, and the shit talking, and thinking they know better. Have you ever met someone who worked there who didn’t mention it within like two minutes? I have not.
Yes. Several, in fact, some of who I count as friends, who have done mindful journalism for decades.