Lesley A Hall

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Lesley A Hall


Archivist, historian, reader, Londoner, feminist
@[email protected]
Trim the circumnavigator cat of Matthew Flinders #JacobinDay
Have you seen this? I took a photo when visiting Edinburgh some years ago (in Makars' Court).
See also repurposing of 'He won't be happy till he gets it':
This may be an artefact of Being A Visitor and Seeing the Sights, but I am a Brit who has been to at least 8-9 of these in the course of my travels
I think this might be the same fox I saw some weeks ago, encountered on my walk today. After trotting away for a bit it did this 'ready for my close-up' pose.
Pondering over that thing that was going around about how often 'men were thinking about the ancient Romans': did anyone think to ask about how often women were thinking about Boudicca??? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boadice...
I suppose it's a more benign bit of techno-woo than the devices invented by Victorian docs (or entrepreneurs) to prevent 'nightly losses'....?
For a change - going through my photos, found this one: there are a number of animal tombs in Highgate Cemetery but most are C19th (including confusingly, a dog called Lion, and an actual lion on the menagerist Wombwell's tomb) - this one, with a sleeping cat, for Anna Clare Bootle, is 1985
Another of my photos of Barbara Hepworth sculptures - this one taken more or less in passing while attending an academic event at the University of Exeter
Another of my Barbara Hepworth sculpture photos, this one from St Ives
Seen during my constitutional yesterday: young fox, watched by cats (smaller black cat out of frame, cannot edit it to show - click on alt to see whole picture): all seemed quite non-contentious
I know, I should actually be making posts here, or at least posting something. Have a photo of a Hepworth sculpture
End of feed.