
Can't say I'm terribly impressed by the news report that's just gone out, quoting numerous people who all got their information via my work over months, but never actually naming or crediting me for my efforts. Not the first time he's got stuff wrong about me, mind.
And just to be clear, the majority of the work I've done is dependent on the work of Chinese fans, and wouldn't have been possible if they hadn't made the first steps to highlight to the Anglosphere all the fuckery that went down.
Hopefully I've been able to help amplify their voices to be heard by a wider audience, but the true credit is theirs.
I plan to put out a post suggesting Chinese fan writers that people should consider for Hugo nominations, but that keeps getting delayed due to my backlog of new stuff to write up growing faster than I can deal with it. But see for starters
It's the fact that him and others write far more about a load of bloody silver phallii than all the shit pulled on Chinese fans that really gets my goat. Has anyone other than me written about the closing of membership sales; the ceremony lottery, the failure to transfer bid memberships, etc?
Please don't forget this post, where I gave you credit.
Don't worry, I'm not referring to you Gary, there's a specific individual who as triggered me., (Hopefully you realized that I wasn't talking about you!)
Yes, I just wanted to point out you haven't been alone in addressing the way the people who took over the con screwed Chinese fandom.
Sorry, I'm subtweeting (or whatever they call it on Blue Sky) - others will be able to point you at it, I'm sure
No worries, just wanted to know whose posts to avoid.