
this is a brilliant point that I was struggling to articulate.
Speaking as a semanticist, it's wild to me that they are phrasing it in terms of whether an *act* is characterized as "official", when what they seem to actually be talking about is whether there exists a *description* of the act that can be characterized as "official".
You and your cohorts where you work are full of crap thinking there's some reason people won't vote for Biden. And I'm being as kind as possible. The general tenor is Biden will be reelected and it won't be close. Find something else to fret, Please. Signed, Every Democratic voter I know.
It's not Democrat voters you need to worry about though. It's poorly informed white guys voting on gut feel in swing states.
Their wives and daughters will nullify their votes. 😉
No. They're all cut from the same cloth, go to the same churches, read the same propaganda on Facebook. Look at Martha Alito, Ginni Thomas, Aileen Cannon.
I live around them. Shop with them. Hire them because there are no other options. I also listen to them. Think what you may. Panic if you choose. It's not going to be close, and Biden will win.
That is a massive relief to hear. What do you think is happening with the polls?
Same thing that's happened the last 3 election cycles. Most are bogus. A) not big enough sample sizes B) who answers their phone with a number they don't recognize? C) If you were married to a diehard trumper would you tell a pollster you were voting Biden? 7 yrs here. 4 sisters I know how to listen
I'm not counting on Fla turning Blue. Not for a second. But the tenor is there for the country to reject trump's fascism. If south Fl Hispanic women turn out for Biden, it could turn. Not sure how to get them to vote D against the socialism they think is the party. That's for Politcal operatives.