
nadu is going to get banned in most formats, this much we know. my sincere hope is that it gets banned in brawl, not just as a commander but in the 99 as well. and also a team is hired to track down every copy released in paper or digital and destroy it with fire, or perhaps acids.
The "2 times a turn" clause makes me laugh every time I see it. Like putting on your seatbelt before driving off a cliff.
How does that one get abused? Mill? Or just card advantage?
nadu gives all your creatures "target me and draw a card, if it's a land it goes on the battlefield untapped" and that activates 2x each turn, for each creature you control. 0-cost targeters like Shuko, plus creature-creators like Scute Swarm (each creature created is 2 more free activations)
plus it's 3 mana plus it's a 3/4 plus it's flying plus it's extremely easy to protect with 1-mana green spells which also happen to trigger it
If nadu was winning more in cedh id be more sanguine about a commander ban but blue farm is still a bigger problem