
Jesus. These old school Dem advisors don’t listen to anybody who knows anything about media and how most people understand it or consume it. I don’t even blame Biden; I blame these tenured cloistered guys (all of them guys, over the age of 55) who are apparently the people who have his ear the most
When people have understood Biden it’s been when he talks about his real life, when he expresses frustration, when he talks about his own humility in the fact of what he is tasked to do
It seems like he’s trying to follow a script and that’s not when he’s good. He needs to respond to trukp the way he would normally as a human. Tell people when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about bc he abdicated his job for golfing
Talk about the economy and not just the good parts. Talk about the supply chain problem and opec and ask if anybody knows what trump did to fix that? Nothing
Trump’s policy is pretend the bad things aren’t happening, which he did with Covid. Instead he manufactures bad things like an immigration crisis. A truly daring and forward looking candidate would ask voters to contrast these fears with their personal experience
Biden can’t do that probably but there should be some Dem candidate who makes people think about whether they’ve been harmed by people they hate - or whether they’ve met them!
It seems Biden has learned nothing since his judiciary committee approved Clarence Thomas's SCOTUS nomination. It's hard to believe.
I’m glad that he finally just said “He’s [Trump’s] lying” instead of finding some long-winded “friendly” way of saying it.
He is *so* over prepared. Let Joe be Joe!!
appealing to "constitutional scholars" might actually be the #1 least effective way to talk to the american public about abortion at this particular moment?
biden chooses to surround himself with these people, though
The next email I get from James *fucking* Carville explaining the stakes of this election to me …
It's a mistake to debate a fascist who tried to overthrow the government. Even more so when he's an accomplished con artist. Biden could of course turn the tables by making the debate about Trump's readiness to lie to the American people.
^^This part.^^ Biden should be quoting the 14th amendment at the beginning of every response, and explaining to these motherfucking buffoons at CNN that the other guy on the stage is not even eligible to hold the office.
I heard him on Howard Stern a couple months ago and he sounded old (because he is) but also very sharp. I just watched the abortion bit and had to turn it off bc he sounded confused and defensive about an issue that literally hasn’t lost yet for Democrats.
There are so many younger Democrats who could articulate all of this stuff more effectively. Which is another thing they should lean into: you’re not just voting for President, you’re voting for who they surround themselves with. You want policies written by Miller/Bannon/crazy preacher lady?
It works like the old usher board at church it’s all about who “earned” their turn with loyalty and seniority. Noooo, you need people with modern skills and strategy!