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specialist in a dying field
so great that various felonies and fascist plans of trump are getting 0 attention right now because the democrats have fucked up their campaign so bad it's sucking all the air. truly remarkable job. going to end up with Napoleon v Moscow 1812 and Falcons v Patriots 2017 as an all-time bag fumble.
man hockey twitter hasn’t really migrated here at all has it.
my main question about clarence thomas at this point is: how much PTO do these motherfuckers get?
every time i read about something new york's governor does i just wanna find my IL governor and give him a bug ol' hug. what a fuckin' maroon that lady seems to be
JK Rowling needs to drink the piss already, geeez
Albini was a mensch in the best possible sense.
Impossible to say everything in one post about a person who bettered my life so much personally, professionally and sonically but I initially keep coming back to the fact that Shellac agreed to play in my parents' living room in 1993 because I sent them a fax.
odd amount of kara swisher content has made its way towards my eyeballs today and i need that to stop because that silly valley bootlicker pr rep sucks mongo ass
good lord joey leebs last public act was to write a release lambasting chuck schumer for daring to hint even slightly that maybe genocide done by one of our puppets is bad? what an absolute lifetime of dogshit. hope he's one of satan's hemorrhoids for the next 5000000 years
rest in piss joey leebs
"The company charges $30 extra a month for a window in a bedroom on top of a $55 monthly amenity fee." - from an article about college students spending 1k/mo to have a windowless bedroom off campus because nobody builds cheap housing anymore. What a fuckin' world.
i mean. how long is biden going to let little pissants do this kind of shit to him with impunity? just rubbing it right in his face. fucking cut these murdering freaks off from all aid already, god damn.
Israel announces largest West Bank land seizure since 1993 during Blinken The move marks the single largest land seizure by the Israeli government since the 1993 Oslo accords, according to Peace Now, a settlement watchdog group.
man this is a really rough day to be a normal everyday bar alcoholic god damn
in absolute giggles at the thought of aaron "one huge dumb bitch" rodgers being a bullet away from the presidency. my god what a degraded, falling empire we are.
reasonably certain that desantis' wife isn't speaking to him and can barely stand to look at him at this point. wish 'em both a lifetime of utter misery.
Avatar buddy just read the thursday newsletter and, while i feel your average writing quality is impressively high, the whole tadpole torturer segment is your Hotel California, your Freebird. Excellent work, keep sunlighting the mengeleian freaks in lab coats who make progress happen
wish i loved anything else as much as i love telling apps that no they cannot have permission to do a goddamned thing ever
why does every media outlet in this grease fire of a country feel obligated to publish, like, deep, long articles every time this gormless shithead does anything? i shouldn't know this motherfucker's name, much less every business venture he decides to start!
The Meme King of Longevity Now Wants to Sell You Olive Bryan Johnson, a data-obsessed Silicon Valley centimillionaire, is promoting food and supplements that promise to help people live longer. Scientists say his program is highly questionable. So why are...
Skeet of the Year for me
Love how Threads, which I don’t use, forces itself into my instagram feed constantly and lately every post it shows me is transphobic? And there’s no way to shut it off? Fucking awesome experience.
why the fuck did chrome move the "open tabs drop arrow" from the far right to the far left? there goes years of muscle memory, been fuckin' this up all day every day all week :(
Is this… like, code for butt stuff?
Yes. Those awful “bloody narcissists”, says the guy blithely suggesting he deserves to be the next President of Harvard.
and, in my new attempts to post at worst "shit sandwiches" so i'm not just a constant string of shitty news and awfulness i found this encouraging? no dont ask me how much itll cost or how few poor people will actually get their hands on this please just let me enjoy the high level view here
Moderna, Merck vaccine with Keytruda cuts risk of deadly skin cancer returning in half, data Those results build on midstage trial data Moderna and Merck released earlier this year, which examined the efficacy of the combination over a shorter period.
don't want to be weird about it but i guess wapo kicked off some content today about airport boarding crowds and they used the term "gate lice" and I find that phrase WILDLY upsetting am i wrong? just an awful pairing of words to describe humans in any context
This is my favorite social media post of the last decade.
every Pacific naval encounter from late 1943 onward is like the IJN Golden Kirin, Glorious Harbinger of Eternal Imperial Dawn versus six identical copies of the USS We Built This Yesterday supplied by a ship that does nothing but make birthday cakes for the other ships