
An under-noticed aspect of Project 2025: criminalizing porn.
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And, their definition of "porn" includes acknowledging the existence of trans people.
First they came for the transsexuals And I did not speak out Because I was not happy with Joe Biden's debate performance Pastor Martin Niemöller, 2024
GRS for minors has never been in the general care standards. Only in rare emergency cases. That still falls under restriction, and restrictions can be waived on a case by case basis. This is nothing new, not even in the trans community.
a) I think that GRS for minors is good, actually, and agree with the WPATH that the reason for not putting numbers on things is because it would create an unnecessary barrier. b) if the president is speaking out on this, it implies it is an actual issue, giving credence to the right wing narrative.
It literally would have been leagues better if he had simply said nothing.
Yes, because way too many people needlessly panicked about it.
No, because it isn't a thing he needed to say in the first place, and weighing in on it is fucking counterintuitive.
The right wing narrative thinks parents push their kids into transition. Now whereas that is mostly untrue, it’s still a nonzero occurrence. I’ve seen it happen. Best to use blockers as a minor and wait on permanent bodily changes until someone is old enough to sign an affidavit of risks.
I frankly don't care if cis people are pressured into surgeries they don't want; why is there no presidential message on it when a 16 year old girl gets breast implants, or a newborn intersex child is assigned a standard gender? Do they have to sign affidavits?
Because trans care has become a hot button issue, and letting the Right have all the sound bite statements on it is generally a bad thing.
Except he didn’t agree with them. He did not call for an outright ban on GRS for minors, just a restriction, and yes they are different things. He went on to say that trans minors should generally have access to appropriate gender affirming care. What part of this is non-supportive?!?
It shouldn't be restricted. The idea that this is even an issue is ridiculous and it should not have been addressed with anything other than "shut up, jack"
reason medical standards of care *tend* to not have hard age limits bc age is generally arbitrary standards of care that are correlated w/ age usually refer to specific medical stages or benchmarks (ex. puberty - tanner stages) in order to be flexible enough to meet individual needs & circumstances
law of large numbers, billions of ppl, im sure there is maybe one example of parents “pushing” their kid to identify as trans ive yet to see a single of example of parents pressuring a child and that pressure leading to a CHILD getting gender affirming surgeries do you have any examples?
we KNOW that intersex infants are routinely given surgeries to make their visible genitalia match what the parents and doctors think it should look like are there any actual examples of cis children who were pushed by parents into identifying as trans who got surgery as a minor?
Weirdly enough, someone in a support group I was in back in the late 1990s was pressured into transition by parents AND church to make her “straight” as a woman instead of a gay man She still didn’t get bottom surgery until adulthood, but the point is said pressure does occasionally happen.
Okay but you're saying "she" so presumably this person did not actually decide to detransition, and even then outside of somewhere like Iraq that's a pretty rare thing to happen and shouldn't be the basis of law. Also religious pressure doesn't suddenly stop at 18 either.
Biden’s statement doesn’t say anything about making the restriction into a ban law. He was simply stating as a general rule of thumb, just like the prevailing standard of care.
The prevailing standard of care explicitly does not say that. In fact, it is the highest trans member of the military trying to pressure the WPATH into putting an explicit floor on it that started this mess. There should be no restriction. There should have been no statement.
they could have simply stated they agree with the current standards of care and not taken any bait i saw the NYT headline and subheader framing this as Biden’s administration clashing with “trans activists” that is exactly what the transphobes were looking for. they gave them what they wanted
ok, my question was: are there any examples of cis children pressured by parents to get surgery and actually receive that surgery *as children*? from your N of 1 story, it looks like no
also the argument that homophobes are more ok with trans people is laughable what you’re describing is an extreme outlier, and also not an example of the thing under discussion (children getting surgeries bc their parents pushed them to identify as trans)
given how many off ramps there are in the path to surgery, especially back in the 90s, i find it hard to believe that this person never had an opportunity to reflect or speak honestly w/ a doctor about those pressures doctors were LOOKING for excuses to deny us care