Effective Transit Alliance

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Effective Transit Alliance


ETA advocates for high-quality, accessible, and forward-looking transit through internationally-inspired, technically-oriented analysis in greater New York.
Growing the internal capacity of transit agencies helps them not only deliver better projects faster, but often leads to lower costs overall. Good job, BART! www.bart.gov/news/article...
ETA is proud to be part of NYC Comptroller Brad Lander's coalition to ensure that NY State follows its laws & begins congestion pricing. Lawsuits were no one's first choice, but there are few other options. Congestion pricing is not only good policy, it's the law. tinyurl.com/4ckv9dpt
This Friday, join ETA for TOD: Transit-Orient Drinks July Join us for Drinks, Transit Discussion, & Transit Advocacy Friday, July 26 from 6-8PM at Urbanspace Vanderbilt 45th & Vanderbilt Ave, behind Grand Central All are welcome!
The oldest vehicles on the 1 train—known as R62s and R62As—are already 40 years old, with reliability to match. Congestion pricing was to be used to pay for new replacement trains, however those orders are on hold thanks to the Hochul's "pause." gothamist.com/news/faulty-...
Faulty AC units on NYC’s 1 train put riders on fast track to hellgothamist.com Gothamist brought a thermometer onto a train car with a broken air conditioner this week and recorded a temperature of 95 degrees.
All of this comes back to the congestion pricing "pause." Congestion pricing funds were set to fund the MTA's consent decree to become fully ADA compliant. Now, however, these vital projects are being delayed—all to appease a handful of drivers. gothamist.com/news/mta-nix...
MTA nixes elevators at NYC subway station where woman died carrying stroller on stairsgothamist.com Gov. Kathy Hochul's congestion pricing pause forced the MTA to cut 23 subway accessibility projects, including one at the station where the 2019 tragedy in Midtown happened.
Due to deferred maintenance, mismanagement, and a lack of funding for upgrades, Amtrak's Northeast Corridor is still powered by overhead lines with Great Depression-era designs. The wires not only slow trains, but have often failed causing massive delays. /1 www.curbed.com/article/amtr...
Over the past month, the Northeast Corridor has seen unacceptable failure after failure in normal heat, stranding thousands. The cause? Outdated catenary and power systems. Read ETA's report: If It Can’t Stand the Heat, You Need to Upgrade the Kitchen www.etany.org/repairing-no...
If It Can’t Stand the Heat, You Need to Upgrade the Kitchen: Repairing the NEC’s Electrical Systems — Effective Transit Alliance New Yorkwww.etany.org
The future of mass transit should include rapid regional rail, to connect our vast metropolitan areas with fast, frequent train service. And thankfully, as ETA explains, New York already has much of the infrastructure it needs to build such a system. www.bloomberg.com/news/feature...
Mass Transit That Can Move a Megalopoliswww.bloomberg.com Growing cities around the world are creating “rapid regional rail” systems that allow residents to commute across metro areas at high speeds. Will the US get on board?
It's Pride March in New York, but the subway & PATH are running at weekend frequencies, forcing LGBTQ participants & allies to wait 12-20 minutes for a train in the daytime. On event days like this, it's prudent to instead run higher weekday frequency to facilitate travel.
Yesterday, the MTA Board made clear the repercussions of pausing congestion pricing. By creating a $15B hole in the agency's capital budget, the "pause" will cause a host of projects to be immediately paused. First, foremost, and by far the worst are ADA accessibility projects:
The outages these past few weeks on the NE Corridor in & out of NY have been beyond unacceptable. Riders are owed an investigation by Amtrak and NJ Transit's Maintenance of Equipment departments outlining not only what happened, but their plans to increase reliability.
TONIGHT join ETA for TOD: Transit-Orient Drinks June, Save Congestion Pricing Edition! Join us for Drinks, Transit Discussion, & Transit Advocacy TONIGHT Friday, June 21 from 6-8PM at Urbanspace Vanderbilt 45th & Vanderbilt Ave, behind Grand Central
Trains on the Northeast Corridor around New York, including Amtrak and NJTransit, are not operating. We're told there was a fire at the transformer for the North River Tunnels. This is only the latest major issue that has caused delays into and out of New York.
The reality of Hochul's shortsighted decision is beginning to sink in: without congestion pricing money, the MTA has stopped work on Second Ave Subway Phase 2 to focus on keeping the system running. NY needs to follow the law: congestion pricing now. nyc.streetsblog.org/2024/06/18/w...
Work Paused On Second Avenue Subway Extension After Congestion Pricing Pause - Streetsblog New York Citynyc.streetsblog.org Gridlock Gov. Hochul has joined the history books as the next governor to stop work on the Second Avenue subway.
This Friday, join ETA for TOD: Transit-Orient Drinks June, Save Congestion Pricing Edition! Join us for Drinks, Transit Discussion, & Transit Advocacy Friday, June 21 from 6-8PM at Urbanspace Vanderbilt 45th & Vanderbilt Ave, behind Grand Central All are welcome!
Tremendous news: the federal government has issued its final sign-off on New York's Congestion Pricing plan. This was the final federal hurdle. Now, it is up to NYS leaders to ensure that state law is followed and congestion pricing is implemented as planned.
Congestion pricing is vital, and ETA is proud to be a part of the coalition aiming to ensure that it begins as originally planned in NYC. Congestion pricing is the law of the land, and ETA will do everything we can to ensure it begins as planned. www.etany.org/statements/c...
Congestion Pricing Coalition Statement — Effective Transit Alliance New Yorkwww.etany.org ETA is proud to be a part of the coalition of advocates, business leaders, government watchdogs, and legal experts aiming to ensure that congestion pricing begins as originally planned in New York C...
Once again there are reports that MTA fare teams have been penalizing riders because their staff do not know how to process an OMNY or contactless card that has reached the 7 day cap. This is beyond unacceptable, and something for which there is no excuse. /1 www.reddit.com/r/nycrail/co...
ETA was proud to stand with NYC Comptroller Brad Lander and a host of other advocates and experts to make it clear that congestion pricing must go ahead. Congestion pricing is the law of the land, and we will continue to do everything else we can to ensure that it begins promptly.
Bill Bramhall in the New York Daily News sums up the situation well. www.etany.org/statements/c...
This is one of the many very real risks that came from Gov Hochul's decision to "pause" congestion pricing. NY politicians and the MTA board should stand firm, fund the agency, and set an example for cities across the country. www.etany.org/statements/c...
Congestion pricing lives to fight another day. Every moment is critical in this fight. Our colleagues @transalt.org have helpfully collated a number of rallies happening over the next few days:
ICYMI, ETA's statement that Congestion Pricing Must Start On Time. ETA calls upon all New York State lawmakers to stand firm to the law they have passed, and upon the MTA board to stand firm to both their civic duty and fiduciary responsibility. www.etany.org/statements/c...
Congestion Pricing Must Start On Time — Effective Transit Alliance New Yorkwww.etany.org ETA was blindsided by Gov Hochul’s inexplicable and senseless decision to indefinitely delay congestion pricing. Should it stand, this decision will be a catastrophe for New York. Everyone involved ...
Delaying congestion pricing would be shortsighted and indefensible, especially with the infrastructure already in place and ready to go. Pricing will bring huge benefits to millions of NYers by funding the MTA, speeding buses, and improving our urban environment. www.nytimes.com/2024/06/04/n...
Hochul Pushes for Congestion Pricing Delay in Last-Minute Reversalwww.nytimes.com Gov. Kathy Hochul wants to postpone a plan to charge motorists to enter Manhattan’s business district, citing fears that it will hurt the city’s economy.
30 years waiting for a bus is too long. A direct bus from Red Hook to Lower Manhattan would not only connect the neighborhood directly to the city's 2nd largest job center, but would improve accessibility and provide more direct trips to far more destinations. www.redhookbus.com
Red Hook Coalition For A Bus To Manhattanwww.redhookbus.com 30 years waiting for a bus! Red Hook needs a direct local bus to Manhattan through the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel
TONIGHT! Join ETA for TOD: Transit-Orient Drinks, May—Great Weather Edition! Join us for Drinks, Transit Discussion, & Transit Advocacy Tonight, Friday, May 24 from 6-8PM at L'OR Porch Bar, Bryant Park, SW corner All are welcome!
Come join ETA tomorrow, Friday May 24 for our monthly TOD: Transit-Orient Drinks, May—Good Weather Edition! Join us for Drinks, Transit Discussion, & Transit Advocacy This Friday, May 24 from 6-8PM at L'OR Porch Bar, Bryant Park, SW corner All are welcome!