Ethan is in a summer mindset

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Ethan is in a summer mindset

Works in gaming and creator culture. Tweets not employer's. Ex Pats writer. Writes @chemknights + TD Dance. Sports, comics, anime, 🏳️‍🌈, 🥏
Full trip btw Fire Island -> NYC -> Paris -> Strasbourg -> Frankfurt -> Vienna Longest trips in FI/Paris/Vienna, Strasbourg and Frankfurt mainly just the path I'll take to go to Vienna
Tell me what there is to do in Strasbourg, I have two days there next month and might stay at the fancy spa hotel but otherwise zero plans
Tell me what there is to do in Strasbourg, I have two days there next month and might stay at the fancy spa hotel but otherwise zero plans
I’m wearing a dress again but too lazy to take a pic so I’ll reuse the one from last year, happy Red Dress Day!
sadly, this is increasingly true—we let malls die so we could turn all our whole towns into malls
Counterpoint: every suburb I've ever been to feels like the same place
I am an unabashed member of the "pro-summer" coalition you all need to stop with the slander
This week's Jet Lag much desert power cultivated
LabCorp is 100% a scam, right? I've definitely already paid for this blood test
Checked back in with the I've Had It podcast because I needed to see Pumps' reaction to the Trump verdict and I'm so happy that she's so happy
Pride Month, to me, is an excuse to take stock in where you've come from and appreciate the person that you are. Every hardship you've faced has helped you turn into the great human that you are today. You may still have a ways to go, but love the foundation you've built.
My parents needed a W and are so happy about the guilty verdicts…letting them have it
Homework assignment: I'm going to Paris for the Olympics this summer and afterwards, I'm going to Vienna the weekend after. I have a Mon to Thurs/Fri time slot I need to fill, and want to do so via train stops from Paris to Vienna. I'll have a Eurail pass. Where should I go?
Vintage, retro day on here and the other site, can't complain
I'm seven episodes into Dungeon Meshi and now I Understand the Discourse
I'm behind on my Drawfee lore. This is just Grendan from Drawtectives right?
I had such designs on today being productive but then the second I got back from Best Buy the weekend caught up to me, my hip started hurting and I felt like this
Bill Walton was a singular entity in sports. Other commentators try to appropriate him but no one will match him. RIP to the gentlest giant.
Partiful has finally, mercifully, rendered Facebook obsolete. All that's left is to migrate a couple of messenger chats to text/Signal and we can finally leave that rot in 2015 where it belongs.
If he goes out early.......
Jon Lovett on Survivor is such a wildly incredible choice
Jon Lovett on Survivor is such a wildly incredible choice
I think my takeaway after sleeping on it is Challengers felt super...tame. Maybe my brain is broken or I expected too much but the whole thing felt like a disaffected Hollywood exec's idea of taboo. I did enjoy the movie though, it was a solid B, especially watching with a group of friends.
Spent all day eating charcuterie and tanning with friends, summer is so back
Fire Island NYC Paris Olympics Vienna (and maybe Taylor Swift) It’ll be a movie
I'm spending a full month away from SF this summer which I'm a little sad about but also...this is going to be an incredible summer
I see the Herschel Walker vision now