
My old HS has boys and girls soccer now. Several East Texas JUCOs have women and men's(added in just the past 5 years).
I do feel like a huge contingent of American soccer fans have zero clue that progress is being made here. Are rich kids still paying to play? Absolutely. But there’s also a crapton more kids playing for free now than there were two decades ago.
If I was in charge of US Soccer, I’d aim to get a middle school soccer program in every public school. Community fields and (free!) coach training initiatives in every urban center.
As part of this initiative we should make Big Green the official movie of Jr High free days.
For real though, it would be a fantastic initiative. Like even if you're not good at it, you get a fantastic amount of exercise and you can have a decent sized roster of kids. Obviously not a lot of cost compared to all other sports.
They can continue to have the MLS and USL clubs oversee these clubs but go halfsies with them on personnel costs. If you want to grow the game, utilize schools. Training a coach and paying a small stipend isn’t prohibitively costly.
I've argued for a while that finding a way to get Texas & Bama etc in on the game would unlock a whole new level of growth. Love of the game delivers some money. But you know what would deliver a brinks truck? Wanting to spite Auburn or OU. US schools are the best sports dev channels we have.
The secret to USWNT dominance for so long? Title IX Not saying collegiate college soccer would be the same boon for the men, but expanding access has to be the number one priority for USSF. And coaching education needs to be part of that instead of a revenue-generation measure like it is now.
For sure. Even if only 1% of the college guys ever make noise on the national team or world stage, you're still giving athletes 4 years of training against a higher level of competition, creating new coaches, incentivizing folks to invest in training for a scholly chance, etc. And seeding new fans!