Euan Taylor

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Euan Taylor

Interested in economics, current affairs, history and NRL.
The debt brakes of the 2000s and the 2010s were made in the arrogant atmosphere that the West could continue to invest as it current rates infinitely. As it won the Cold War on those rates, would that not be enough?! Then China came and overtook everyone. It's not time to panic but to invest!
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People complain about the stock market being dependent on a handful of big stocks, but it was even more concentrated in 1974. Great column by Edward Chancellor on the rise and fall of the "Nifty Fifty" and its lessons for today.
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Good update on what is going on in global grain markets.
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A working paper came out this week showing that when Québec implemented its child care program in the 90s, employment for *grandmothers* immediately shot up 2%.
Is there any polling of other notable Democrats v Trump to win presidency, for example K Harris?
Avatar On the one hand, glad that UK is policing its borders. On the other hand, it doesn't feel right that a company is paying for police at the border...
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2/2 incentives set up by China’s development model, which grew increasingly dependent on real estate and land development for growth." China's economic problems are structural, and not just the result of fraud or other forms of bad behavior.
At least there is the Superbowl this week to fill the gap before the NRL pre season games start in the following week! #NRL2024isstartingsoon
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Africa's first mass malaria vaccine rollout started today.
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This chart shows population patterns with profound consequences. The bigger the green circle, the more a working-age population is expected to grow by 2050 (big gains in India, Pakistan & Nigeria). Orange circles represent decline (huge drop in China). (gift link)
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Nigeria just devalued the Naira 60%, as part of a Big Bang plan to stabilise the country's macro. Unlike last year's 73% devaluation, they Really Mean It This Time.
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UK is under increasing pressure to raise taxes. This will lead to more tax auditors and closing of tax loopholes. Some of the tweets that I see suggest that this is already occurring... And under a Labour government should accelerate. Where will the tipping points be?
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MIT Technology Review @techreview just named heat pumps 1 of 10 breakthrough technologies for 2024. Their potential is huge: heat pumps can cut 500m tonnes CO2 globally in 2030- as much as pulling all cars in Europe today off the roads.
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"The unemployment rate has now remained below 4 percent for more than two years, a stretch last accomplished in the 1960s. Meanwhile, wage growth has been outpacing inflation for the first time in years."
Breaking news: Employers added 216,000 jobs to their payrolls in December, capping a year of exceptional gains for American workers despite some cooling in the labor market.
Economy added 216,000 jobs in December, capping off a year’s worth of solid A cooling but healthy U.S. labor market continues to produce strong gains for American workers.
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1/7 This Bloomberg article suggests that analysts are increasingly worried about the trade implications of China's shifting of domestic investment out of the property sector and into manufacturing. via @economics
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The BBC and the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Lab has uncovered a huge Russian influence operation on TikTok involving 12,800 fake accounts spreading disinformation about the war in Ukraine to millions of users in Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Israel and Ukraine.
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remember well how 20 years ago every discussion about renewables was about how they were too expensive to compete with fossil generation. Today the debate is all about grid constraints, permitting and how we can accommodate the huge demand for renewables. How times change.
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Russia, China most active in spreading disinformation in Czechia
If a US person stops a woman from getting an abortion and she is injured or dies from the pregnancy, that person should be criminally responsible for assault or murder for blocking the medical need.
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📢Today the Global Carbon Project releases its 2023 edition of the Global Carbon Budget, a comprehensive assessment of our perturbation of the carbon cycle and the balance of sources and sinks of CO₂. 1/🧵
The pandemic proved the point that it takes a global crisis to drive global emissions down. It also proved the point that crisis-driven emissions reductions are temporary. We need intentional, sustained measures to get emissions down, to break from this regime. 18/
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For me one of the worst things about Return of Trump is that it does not even please him. He is a wounded narcissist. It wouldn't matter if he got Putin levels of votes, all he'll hear in his head are the voices of those who mock and revile him. /1
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Two thirds of all electronics exports come from just six countries. All of these countries are Asian nations. This is part of what the Asian century looks like. Source:
The Beckhams becoming an amazingly versatile meme was probably not one of the outcomes that they were going for!
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This feels like one of those things future societies will mock us for knowing about and still not doing
Finland: Air purifiers use at daycare centres cut kids' sick days by a third "It would be a big savings if we could get rid of 30% of sick days spread by children, as well as the illnesses that go home to parents" #COVID19 #Finalnd #AirPurifiers #CleanAir
Study: Air purifier use at daycare centres cut kids' sick days by a The results of the study at two Helsinki daycare centres are still preliminary but promising, a researcher says.